Between A Barricade ~ Dean Ambrose

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Danielle and myself sat down in our seats as we prepared for Monday Night Raw in our home country of Canada. I was definitely most looking forward to seeing the Lunatic Fringe, Dean Ambrose. I had loved him and been his biggest fan for a good few years now, even as Jon Moxley.

"I can't wait to see Roman Reigns tonight Jess!" Danielle squealed getting out her banner she made in the hope he would notice her.

"Not as much as I am looking forward to seeing Dean." I got myself sorted as the pyrotechnics went off to signal the start of the show. It began with Fandango against Curtis Axel, so I just kind of went off into a daydream about Dean Ambrose.

After an hour of watching pointless superstars wrestle each other, it was time for Dean and Roman to team up against Kane and Seth. Roman came out first and I think Danielle fainted at the sight of seeing him walking down the aisle and through the crowd. He mounted the top rope an I swear he looked at Danielle, which just made her jump around making sure he saw her banner. Dean followed behind and I yelled out,

"I love you Dean!" He walked down the ramp maintaining character when he looked over at me winking. A thousand butterflies floated around in my stomach as I took a mental image of him winking at me.

Dean's POV

I saw the most beautiful girl, with long brown hair screaming out at me. It was as if I got lost in time as she stared at me with her piercing eyes giving me butterflies in the pit of my stomach. She smiled at me, so I winked at her, making sure it attracted her attention. I had to win this match and impress her.

It was a pretty even match, and when I wasn't in the ring I just stared at that girl in the crowd. Every time I looked over at her, she was staring at me. We kept sharing glances and smiles towards each other. I felt a touch on my arm but just shrugged it off still staring.

"Dean!" Roman complained, "get in the ring." I got in the ring clotheslining Seth before pulling him back up by his hair and executing dirty deeds perfectly, looking at the gorgeous girl winking at her going for a pin. We did a quick celebration before going backstage. Before we got back I walked over to the girl.

"Hey sweetheart, what's your name?" She smiled at me, as I touched her hand.

"Jess, and don't worry I know who you are." She must have been a pretty big fan as I could see a small blush emerge in her cheeks.

"Wanna come backstage?" She nodded her head and I picked her up elegantly over the barricade making sure she doesn't show anything. I held her hand protectively taking her back to my dressing room before anyone asked questions. I sat her down and knelt in front of her.

"I'm gonna cut to the chase, I really like you. I think you are beautiful, and wanna ask you to be my girlfriend? I can see that there is something special here already, at least give us a go."

"Yeah of course, I'll be your girlfriend Dean." I pulled her into a hug and kissed her on the lips. I lifted her up sitting on the seat and settling her on my lap.

Jessica's POV

Dean sat me on his lap, and I snuggled into his chest gripping his vest material in my hand. The door swung open and revealed Danielle who was in a sweaty mess. "Where did you go? You left me." I laughed and walked over to her giving her an apologetic hug.

"Sorry, but let me introduce you to my new boyfriend Dean. Dean, this is my best friend Danielle." They got up and shook hands as Danielle squealed at me.

"Well, let me introduce you to my new boyfriend Roman." Roman walked in and went straight over to Dean giving each other a pat on the back. "Roman this is my best friend Jess." He came over to me giving me a hug and I hugged back.

Somehow this day has gone better than I expected. Dean wrapped his muscular arms around me leaning his head on my shoulder, "you're gonna make me so happy." I twirled round and gave him a quick kiss.

"As you are going to make me very happy too."

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