Incidental Love ~ Dean Ambrose {Part 2}

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Danielle's POV

I scurried through my draws, trying to find my album to show Renee. I found the dark red folder and flicked through it. Inside was photos of me, and any marks left by Jack. There was over 100 photos of bruises and scars he left me with before I ran away. I walked into the guest room where Renee was playing on her phone. "Hey Renee, can you promise me something?" She placed her phone on the table to her bedside and sat upright.

"Yeah course I can girl, what's up?" I placed the red velvet book in her hands and I stood up to leave. "Why have I got this?"

"If anything happens between me and Jack, take it to the police." She nodded her head and stared at the front cover.

"Can I open it?" Renee asked,

"If you want to, I'd rather you didn't though." I left Renee to choose what she did with the book. I hoped one day Dean would look after me and protect me from people like Jack. But that will never happen, because he was with Renee, wasn't he? I turned back as she put the book in her cupboard. "Renee, are you going out with Dean? I mean that is what Twitter says." She looked at me as I felt my cheeks begin to burn at the thought of Dean.

"No. Oh my gosh Danielle, Dean is my like my brother." I breathed a sigh of relief. Renee began to laugh as I gave her a funny look. "Your blushing. Why are you blushing? You like Dean, girl go for it. Trust me, he doesn't like anyone." I giggled to myself dragging myself to bed for a goods night sleep, thinking about Dean.

Renee's POV

I sat in catering and began turning the pages of the book Danielle gave me. The images of her battered body made me feel sick to the stomach. She didn't trip last night, Jack was beating Danielle up in the alleyway. I ran to The Shield's dressing room, they were the only people who I knew would protect her and make sure she is safe from that dick. I banged on the door and Dean opened up. "Do you have a minute?" He nodded and opened the door to let me in.

"Listen, I need your help. Danielle is getting abused by her ex. She gave me a book yesterday and told me to take it to the police if anything happened, but I'm scared for her safety if he gets anywhere near her." Roman took the book from my grasp and put it on the table opening it up. Dean and Seth peered over his shoulder and looked at the pictures.

"Renee, we need you for a promo please." I left the boys who were looking at the book and went off to do my promo.

Dean's POV

I suddenly felt so ill. I've never felt so angry in my life. How could anyone do anything to someone as beautiful as Danielle. I read all the statements which were stuck next to the photos. I had to go and talk to her, tell her it would be okay. I ran to the medical room and didn't even knock as I walked in the door. Danielle looked at me as I shut the door and sat on the chair.

"Tell me the truth Danielle. I need to know what happened, otherwise I swear I am going to go mad." She walked over and started laughing.

"Or what? Is Jon Moxley gonna come out and get me." I stares blankly at her as she laughed to herself. I didn't change my expression as she looked at me realising I wasn't messing around. "I don't know what you are on about." Seth and Roman walked in and looked at me sympathetically.

"Danielle, I know what a girl looks like when she has been beaten up. I know what bruises and scars come from and what they look like. Now I am begging you, tell me the truth." Danielle fell to the floor in tears, I sighed and walked over to her. She screamed into my chest as I held her repeatedly telling her it was fine. Her sleeve slightly rode up and I saw a big bruise on her wrist slightly covered up with make up.

"We are gonna see Steph and get the cameras from the car park so we can sort this out, and give you two some space." Seth and Roman walked out leaving me with a very emotional Danielle.

"Sweetheart, can you just answer me one question, why did you stay with him?"

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