Finn Balor for WinterLovLov

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"You ready?" Finn asked as I checked myself in the mirror one final time. "Babe, you look fine." He reassured me, kissing the top of my head.

"Finn, Winter, this is your cue." A member of staff came around, grabbing us and taking us to the gorilla.

"I am the number one contender to this championship, I am the man to tear Kevin Owens apart. I'm the reason the so called Demon King has taken months away from the ring, and why his pathetic little girl Winter had to look after him." The two of us watched the monitor as the crew counted in our music to interrupt Seth in the ring.

"By the way, your face paint looks great tonight," I whispered in his ear as he put his head piece on. He turned around, smiling at me, careful not to ruin his body art. We both waited as the beginning of Finn's music played. I always felt strange when he made his entrance, he had his own dramatic entrance, whereas I just kind of stood there walking down behind him awkwardly. The Demon stopped at the bottom of the ramp, taking the microphone out of my hand.

"Seth. Seth. You may have won the battle at Summerslam, but I will win the war. You lost a championship match for that title once, and I'm sure you will do it again. I was the Universal Champion-"

"Yeah you're right Finn, you were the Universal Champion. Finn Balor, you are history, I am the future." Finn flicked his hair piece around, walking up to the steps. He signalled for me to follow him, holding the ropes open for me to step in. Finn walked up and stood right in front of Seth's face. The height difference between them was definitely noticeable, making me chuckle slightly.

"You don't have the first idea about the future, lets be honest Seth, you could be replaced by the click of a finger, whereas I, The Demon King, can never be replaced. I'm one of a kind Rollins. One of a kind." The two of them were beginning to get a bit heated, their eyes became angrier, and their stances got a little bit bigger.

"We could say the same for your girlfriend though couldn't we? She's just another wannabe wrestler that had to date a wrestler to get to where she is today. Isn't that right Winter?" I stood startled, not expecting Seth to start talking to me, I thought it was just going to be a promo between the two of them. Finn looked back at me, and I looked at him nervously. I didn't know how to react.

"You don't get to talk to her." Finn warned. For the first time Finn had an angry tone in his voice, he was incredibly protective, he didn't want anyone bad talking me.

"I just did Balor." I stepped forward to try and grab Finn's hand to lead him away from the situation as it was turning personal, but he yanked it away, not giving in. "Wouldn't you agree Winter, your success is down to Finn?" I tapped Finn's shoulder, asking to have the microphone which he gave me.

"I'd rather be here because of my love, rather than because I am someone else's bitch." I snapped. The audience cheered for me, as Finn looked back at me smirking with pride.

"How dare you, you stupid little girl." Seth threw the microphone on the floor, running at me and clotheslining me. He started to hit me with a few punches as I saw Finn's hands wrap around Seth trying to pull him off. The pain was crazy, until Finn picked Seth up and threw him into the corner. He wrapped an arm around me, sitting me up. I raised a hand to my head, checking for blood, but I was alright.

"You're alright darling, it's over now." He whispered. I sat back as Finn turned his attentions back to Seth. Clearly Seth had hit his head on a rope or turnbuckle as he got pushed aside. Finn went over holding him upright. He nodded at me, so I stood up and stamped my foot. I charged at him and superkicked him making his fall to the floor. "Yes baby!" Finn screamed climbing up onto the top rope. He lifted his head piece off, handing it to me, and then jumped up performing a Coup de Grace on Finn.

"Smashed it." I whispered high fiving my boyfriend. He pulled me by my waist over to him, as I placed his piece back on his head. Some of his paint had come off, so I traced my finger along the bare patches of his skin. "Thank you for saving me," I whispered placing a soft kiss on his lips, completely forgetting about the crowd until they all cheered. Finn grabbed my hand, leading me out of the ring and backstage.

The same member of crew was stood waiting for us when we finished. "Finn, Winter, I believe that is you two all done for tonight." We thanked him making our way back to the dressing room.

"All of that and now I've got to take all this paint off." Finn groaned walking through the door. It took him forever to get rid of it all, but he always managed to find little patches he'd missed the following day.

"I'm sure I could give you a hand," I smiled going over to him. "It's the least I could do." I kissed the tip of his nose, taking him into the bathroom to start washing it off.

"I didn't even know you were that flexible sweetheart, maybe you should show me a few other moves you could do."

"Finn!" I chuckled, shocked by his sudden outburst. "We're not doing anything until you get rid of all this red." He sighed as I grabbed his left arm and put it under the tap.

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