Jeff Hardy for -reigningcena

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If there was one thing I hated in the world it was liars. The way they always feel the need to be so smug and pompous, as if everyone should always take notice of them. Being lied to is one of the worst feelings in the world. How do I know? My husband, told me he would be home for my birthday. Is he? No. He lied to me, and it caused me so much pain. I saw no reason in celebrating my birthday anymore, there was no point. I had no one to celebrate with, no cards, no presents, no cake, no people, and most definitely no husband. Jeff had been touring with the TNA brand for 3 months, and I hadn't seen him once. He promised, yet he managed to break that promise.

There was three loud bangs at the door, which made me jump up in my chair. I trudged my way to the door, to be greeted by Matt, my brother in law. "What do you want Matt?" I instantly felt guilty for the rather harsh tone I used, but I really wasn't in the mood.

"Nice to see you too Violet. I just wanted to invite you to ours house for a birthday meal. I know Jeff couldn't be here to celebrate with you, but we're still your family." As kind as his gesture was, I knew things wouldn't be the same.

"That's a nice offer Matt." He gave me a look. He had such an excited expression on his face I couldn't bring myself to say no. "Go on then, what's the worst that can happen. Let me just freshen up and get changed."

"Nope." Matt yelled, picking me up, shutting my door, as carrying me to the car. "You look perfect as you are."

We pulled up to Matt's mansion, as he drove the car towards the back gate. He pulled up, as we both got out. Something felt a bit sketchy but I didn't quite know what. Matt opened up the gate for me. I wandered up the stone pathway. "Surprise!" So many faces jumped out as I went round the corner from all over the place. I smiled and waved to a few people, when a pair of arms snakes around my waist.

"Surprise baby." I heard that distinctive voice whisper in my ear.

"Jeff!" I screeched, jumping into his arms, tracing his tattoo with my finger. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I couldn't not celebrate my girl's birthday now could I." I kissed his lips, as we both piled in all the emotion of not seeing each other for the last three months. It felt so good to be back in his arms, safe, and protected, like nothing could ever harm me. "What do you think of your party?"

"It's perfect, but it's even more perfect now that you're here. I thought you were working, and you couldn't get the time off to come over." I kissed him again, still pinching myself that he was here.

"Neither did I. They told me they didn't need me, so I tried to make it down here as quick as possible to surprise you." I leapt down, wrapping my arms around him tight.

"It was definitely the best surprise I've ever had." He giggled at me, making me smile at the sound of his laughter. It was like a light at the end of a tunnel that lasted for 3 months, hearing his voice and laugh just made that journey all worth it.

"I'm glad babe. Now let's get this party started shall we." He yelled. Everyone else screamed, throwing their drinks up into the air. "Happy birthday princess, I love you." He whispered in my ear, lightly kissing my neck.

"I love you too Jeff." I whispered back, pecking his lips once again, as I began what was sure to be the best party ever, with the best husband ever. "I was nearly in tears earlier, I thought I was married to a liar." Jeff laughed at me, making me feel extremely embarrassed.

"Well I kept my promise eventually didn't I?" He teased.

"You sure did Mr Hardy." He most definitely did.

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