Marching Through A Blizzaed ~ Dean Ambrose

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I sat in my hotel room, staring out the window at the massive blizzard outside. Work had been cancelled and for a one off Raw was from headquarters.

"...Dean Ambrose." I looked up at the screen to see my husband walking into the building with snow in his luscious hair, as his expression showed that he was absolutely freezing. He had told me earlier he was going out to visit a friend who was in the area.

But no.

I couldn't believe he had gone behind my back like this, and completely ignored everything I had told him. That is the trouble with men though, never listen to anyone but themselves.

After watching the rest of Raw, I grabbed my phone and rang him. Confronting him.


"Dean are you kidding me right now? You completely ignored me, your wife!" I screamed down the phone to him.

"CJ, listen to me, I couldn't tell you the truth otherwise you wouldn't let me come, and this was quite a big opportunity for me to get airtime." He said, as if everything was normal and fine.

"Damn right you wouldn't go. You've walked for miles in a blizzard. Are you a complete lunatic? I mean that is your nickname, not a real label you have." My anger was really annoying me, and the fact that to Dean this was harmless fun really didn't help the situation.

"I'm fine, okay. I haven't got pneumonia or anything, I feel fine. Stop worrying constantly I am a grown man CJ. I don't need you knowing everything I do."

I could kinda see where he was coming from now, I know Dean, and I know that if he felt anything was wrong he would've stopped. He wouldn't have risked his career. "You know what fine, if you want to be stupid and immature go ahead, you may be fine this time, but what about the next? Huh."

"There won't be a next time, I promise. If it really affects you that much then I will stop pulling stupid stunts. And instead I will come home and have a cuddle with my wife, in the warmth, looking out at the cold. Okay."

"Okay." I replied, giving up in defeat. Sometimes I admit, I did overreact, but wouldn't everyone else who gave a damn about their partner's safety.

"Good, I'm gonna stay with Roman, and then I shall see you tomorrow. I love you CJ." The sweet tone in his voice made my heart melt, and made me instantly forgive him in a heartbeat.

"Love you."

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