Standing In The Corner ~ Sheamus

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"Babe!" I turned round to a big, pale, ginger guy, I like to call my boyfriend walk towards me.


"You got your title match tonight haven't you?" I smiled and nodded as he wrapped his muscly arms around my very petite waist. "I am so proud of you, ya know that."

"I know," I leaned forward and kissed his lips quicky as he pulled me in for a tight hug. "Oh, and Sheamus, I forgot to ask, will you accompany me to the ring tonight?"

"Really," I nodded, "it would be my pleasure, I'm so excited beautiful." He planted his lips onto mine before walking off in our seperate ways to get prepared.

Skip to the match

"And introducing the challenger. Being accompanied to the ring by Sheamus, from London, England, Sarah!" I did my entrance and flipped my long brown hair, as Sheamus smiled down at me. I got in the ring and stared at my opponent, Nikki Bella, before turning around to look at Sheamus. He gave me a kiss, before jumping down from the apron as the match begun....

The match was pretty even, we both had a lot of momentum as the match pace kept building up. I ran to the corner as I was Irish whipped and as Nikki ran towards me I stuck my leg out hitting her right in the face.

The crowd began to chant, 'Brogue, brogue, brogue...' I looked over at Sheamus and mouthed, 'Can I?' He nodded at me. This was it, I was about to become Diva's Champion. She slowly rose as I ran towards her and nailed the Brogue Kick as she fell to the mat. I rolled her over as the ref began to count,


I'd done it, I was the Diva's Champion. I looked over at Nikki on the floor, as the ref raised my hand in victory. I looked to my corner and saw Sheamus run towards me arms wide open. I ran into them as I began to feel the tears drip down my face.

"I love you babe, I'm so proud of you!" He whispered. He raised my arm and kissed me as I was handed my title belt.

"I love you too!"

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