Seth Rollins for DaLunaticGirl

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You know that feeling when the whole world is against you? I knew it well. Ever since my stable The Shield disbanded things just weren't going alright. My boyfriend Seth had sat me down to have a crisis talk, and things seemed like they were going down the wrong path. "I think we need to break up." My breathing halted as I looked up at Seth. Somehow his words didn't seem to bother me too much, it was as if we were living two separate lives and didn't care about each other anymore. I had nothing to say to him, so just stood up and walked out of the room. I was expecting tears to fall as I left him there but there was nothing, my cheeks were dry.

I had recently turned from the diva next door, to a  sarcastic and horrible diva who had become so much more fierce. I heard rumours that apparently Brock Lesnar was watching a few of my matches and was taking a keen interest in my ability and my attire. I was flattered considering Seth had shown me very little attention in the final months of our relationship. Seth had become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion and he had the power to do whatever he wanted to do; it sucked.

I was competing against Sasha Banks and I was doing pretty good if I did say so myself. It was new to me to have people taking entrance in my matches, and I loved the energy that was now surrounding me. I went for my finisher, when out of the corner I saw Brock and Paul stood up on the stage watching and whispering to each other. Paul patted Brock on the shoulder as he began to walk down to ringside. "Blair, keep going sweetheart." My mind was elsewhere as I felt a sharp pain in my back and hands wrapped around my chin. Brilliant! The Bank Statement. I tapped unsurprisingly, as Brock climbed into the ring comforting me. His hand was on my back, and his head resting on mine, j was too confused to move, as he led me backstage.

"Blair! What was that?" I recognised the voice as Seth's once I had left Brock to go back to the changing room. I turned on my heel, cringing at the sight of his face.

"What was what Seth? My match? Brock? Because let me tell you, they have nothing to do with you anymore, so just leave me alone." I went to walk off, when he pulled me back, our faces inches apart.

"Please Blair." He begged with me, brushing aside my loose bits of hair. "Just one more chance."

"You had your chance, and you lost it and now you have to deal with it. Hopefully the next girl who you decide to play about won't be as delusional as me to put up with you so long." I kicked him where a man shouldn't be kicked and walked off.

"Get the message son." A new voice entered our conversation, as I turned around to now see Brock standing over Seth. "She doesn't want you anymore, she wants real man."

"Oh and how would you know? You don't the first thing about Blair." I began to feel incredibly uncomfortable, and concerned about what they were going to do to each other.

"True, but I know that a man should never degrade his girlfriend." Something triggered in Seth, as the next thing I knew he had launched himself on Brock, letting out all his built up frustration. It didn't quite seem clear to me why they were fighting considering I wanted nothing much to do with either of them. I looked around for a bit of help, however no one was around.

"Get off him!" I pleaded. "Stop!" They appeared to have lost their hearing as they ignored every word I spoke. I was sick of having the two boys fight over me, so walked off and left them to it.

Word got to Hunter that there had been a brawl between the two of them, so he done what he thought was best for business and arranged a match for the two of them the following night on smackdown, as well as me talking with the winner of the match.


I couldn't bare to stand and watch the match, so told the producers I'd be in my dressing room waiting. I hated the idea of it all coming to this, and that it all got so physical. The thought made me feel slightly sick, and a fight was the last thing I wanted.

The match went on for quite a while so I knew whoever would come back and see me would be in a brutal state.

The door opened half and hour later, and Seth popped his head around the door. There was a slight wave of relief as I wouldn't have really known what to say to Brock. I was too bored of the whole situation to even be willing to put up a fight, or leave the room before he began to speak. Seth pulled up a chair in front of me. "I'm sorry." He told me abruptly. I looked into his eyes for the first time in a long time, as he checked his cut on his forehead for blood. "I'm sorry for putting you through all I did. I'm sorry for treating you like you were a nobody. But most importantly I'm sorry for breaking up with you, I've felt so awful since that day, and it's only now that I can admit I was the one in the wrong, and you were just your perfect little self, but I didn't see that, and I was crazy."

"Seth." I didn't know what to say to him, or how to make the situation any better. No matter how hard it was not love him, I just couldn't stop myself.

"Please don't say anything Blair. Let me just take you out tonight. Baby steps?" He stood up, pulling me up so I was standing in front of him. Seth rested his arms on my shoulders, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

"Baby steps." I clarified, looking up and smiling at him all over again.

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