Sheamus for Veronika_Nicolette_F

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Veronika's POV

The one thing I enjoy the most about my job, is the fact I'm one of the biggest heel characters of all time. A bit like the modern day Roddy Piper you could say. (R.I.P Rowdy.) I liked to make everyone else's experiences a nightmare. What can I say, I was the baddest diva anyone had ever seen.

There was one slight problem with this though, a guy called Shemaus, who liked to run his mouth off a bit too often if I do say so myself. His ginger hair lit up any room, and you'd be sure never to miss him. He knew that I wanted to be the best heel ever, and always made sure that I would never get it. He'd disrupt me, interrupt my interviews, play the wrong entrance music to the old Funkadactyls one. I had no clue what his problem with me was.

Tonight I had a singles match against Sasha Banks, a chick who truly thought she was bad. This chick has one of the biggest egos in the business, so tonight I was going to definitely bring her down a peg or two. Well, hopefully, if I had no one interfere. I took it upon myself to make sure Sheamus stayed clear of my match tonight, by going for a quick visit to his dressing room.

His room was a lot bigger then mine, I could tell by the fact his door was about a foot wider then mine. Not to long after I knocked, Sheamus opened up, with a towel pressed round his neck, and one of shoes on. "Veronika?" He almost said it as if he was questioning me my own name.

"I want a word." I bellowed bluntly, which made him open up the door to allow me entrance inside. He took a few paces back as I marched in, trying to make myself look tremendously confident around him. "How ever much you think your mind games are funny, they stop tonight!" Sheamus stood there, almost laughing at me. I felt so humiliated.

"Lass, I'm not playing mind games with you," his Irish accent made this sound a lot more honest, which didn't help my cause, "I just don't want to see all the real pretty faces in WWE destroyed by you." His words hit me harsh. I guess I wasn't one of those 'real' pretty faces.

"So you think Naomi, Natalya, Paige, Brie, and Emma are the real pretty faces?" I asked. I think he could tell he'd shook me up, as he walked a bit closer towards me.

"Of course, they are some beautiful lasses. But, there is one face, that is just out of this world, that I could never see be hurt. When you think like that about someone, its unbearable to see them in pain." All of a sudden, I saw the softer side to Sheamus. I side which was usually kept locked up away from anyone else to see.

"I wouldn't exactly say Hornswoggle has a face out of this world," I teased. He let out a light Irish chuckle, making me smile.

"No stupid," he took a seat next to me on the sofa he had, "I'm talking about you, definitely not Hornswoggle. I can't help the way I act around you, its just my instincts, my way of not seeing you hurt, is to just make sure you don't do anything in the first place." He placed his hand on my thigh, looking into my eyes. There was a huge part of me that believed him, but something just wasn't quite right. Why had he waited until now to tell me this?

"I gotta go, but I'll catch you later." The first thing I could think of was to run out of the room and leave. I was speechless, I had nothing to say to him.

"Veronika, I just poured my heart out-" I slammed the door before he could finish his sentence, running down to my dressing room, holding in the tears, making sure no one could see the vulnerable side to me.

Later that night, my match with Sasha actually went as planned, without no interference. I picked up the win, and she threw her typical tantrum because she didn't get her own way. I was currently walking through the hotel corridor, my bag on one shoulder, hauling it until I could get to my room. I was humming to myself, when two huge arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me into the air. I couldn't tell who it was, as my head was wrapped in between my tummy and the other person's back. They walked me for quite sometime, until we got to one of the rooms. They stopped and put me down, getting out their key. When I looked up, I recognised that face from anywhere. "Sheamus!" I yelled.

He didn't reply, he just simply kicked the door down, took my hand and dragged me in. I didn't resist, I was too in shock to move my own body. "Just be quiet for awhile." He whispered. Next thing I knew I was pressed against the wall, and Sheamus had placed his lips onto mine. He placed his hand on my waist to steady ourselves, as I ran my hand through what was left of his hair. Our lips moved in sync, as he picked me up bridal style and threw me onto the bed. He jumped on and we carried on kissing. As much as I disliked the guy, his kisses were out of this world. Out hands intertwined with each other, as he began kissing my neck making me squirm. "You really are so beautiful, I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you." He whispered into my neck.

"It's fine," I replied, my breath unsteady as he touched the side of my face. I knew tonight would be a good night, we both could look past our differences, and maybe somehow we might just get on. Sheamus began running his hand up my top, but I think I'll let you guys imagine how that one ended.

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