Full Frontal Snogging ~ Sheamus

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Summer Jay's POV

I stretched my body as I warmed up for my match against Rosa Mendes tonight on Raw. I leaned over to my side as I heard someone wolf whistle behind me. I turned around and the big ginger guy Sheamus winked at me. "Looking fine Summer Jay." I tutted, completely ignoring him and going back to my warm up. His arms snaked around my waist as I shook him off.

"Come on babe, you know you want to." I grabbed my water and took a sip out of it. Something he was doing was making me so nervous inside. The way he smiled at me adoringly made me want to leap into my arms, but the real me just wanted to see how long he would pester me for. I smiled mischievously to myself. Turning around he opened his arms for me but I threw the water all over him, as the water dripped through his beard.

"Stay away from me, I don't like you, and never will." I lied walking away swaying about just a bit more.

The match...

I pinned Rosa, as I got up and celebrated jumping around as the ref held my hand. I looked to the screen as Sheamus' music blared throughout the arena, he came walking out as we stared off as he walked down into the ring. He got in and got right in my face. He stared at me as I slapped him in the chest, he giggled before leaning in and kissing me.

I kissed back immediately as I enjoyed every second of it. The kiss didn't last long as he pulled back leaving me wanting more. "Not so fun when the tables are turned is it sweetheart." He left me standing in the middle of the ring completely dumfounded.

6 days later at Royal Rumble...

Tonight Sheamus had a US title match against Rusev for the belt back. I hadn't spoken to him since Monday when we kissed. I was too scared to go near him, as even the thought of him got me all nervous and flustered. I watched on the monitor as the match began.

Sheamus hit Rusev with a Brogue Kick as Lana screamed at Rusev to get up. He pinned him getting the victory, as I thought it was time to get a little revenge. Walked to the curtain as people watched me walk past. "Play my music please man." I walked into the arena as Sheamus watched me staring, just like I did on Monday. I slapped a few hands getting in the ring. I launched myself at Sheamus as he caught me holding my weight. I kissed him running my fingers through his soft ginger hair. I pecked his lips several times as I blocked out the noisy crowd. I pulled away jumping down, holding his hand.

"What was that about?" I could see the slight blush in his cheeks making me giggle.

"Just thought I would get a little revenge, sweet isn't it." He kissed me resting his forehead on mine.

"Be my girl Summer Jay?" I nodded my head as he pulled me in for a hug.

"I would like for nothing more Sheamus." He grabbed his title belt lifting it up in the air, as well as my arm. We walked around the ring greeting the crowd, as he protectively held my hand the entire time.

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