Damaging Feelings ~Dean Ambrose {Part 2}

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Danielle's POV

I sat in catering looking through who had signed in, and by no surprise the one person who hadn't, Dean Ambrose. I began to cry knowing I would have to go and speak to him again.

Dean's POV

I walked into catering as I saw Danielle sitting in the corner by herself. I decided to walk back out and go to Triple H's office. I knew Randy was hiding something by what he said yesterday, so I concluded I was going to find out.

I knocked three times, before the door opened. "Ambrose, come in and take a seat, what can I do for you?"

"Actually sir, I came to speak to you about Danielle." He looked up at me signalling for me to carry on, "it's just, in conversation with Randy he told me that I don't know something about Danielle, but I would like to know what it is if that is okay?" He pulled a seat out for himself.

"Well if you must know, Danielle's mother died in labour, and she has always blamed herself. Therefore she has always been very quiet and struggles to talk to people. She is shy, and has always been bullied. " I sat there stunned. "That isn't all, when she was nineteen she went to the beach with some friends, where she was kidnapped and didn't return home until the following day. Since then she hasn't really spoken to anyone properly."

Part of that was my fault, I had caused this girl so much pain and upset. I was the reason she was so sad all the time.

"What do you think about my daughter honestly Ambrose? " He asked.

"Honestly, I like her, and I think she is beautiful. " He smiled and shook my hand.

"If you feel that way please go tell her, then finally she may cheer up. " I nodded and walk out of the office, along the corridor to find Danielle. I ran for ages trying to find her, but had no luck. I saw Renee in the corner if my eye.

"Renee, have you seen Danielle anywhere?" She smiled.

"Yeah she went over towards the ring. " I thanked her and ran towards the ring. I saw her sat, head in has hands. I slowly walked over and stood inbetween her legs as she looked up.

Danielle's POV

I looked up and saw Dean looking down at me. He took my face in his hands and leaned forward. "Can I try something please?" He whispered. I nodded. He leaned forward and kissed me as I felt the butterflies in my stomach. He pulled back and whispered, "I love you, I'm sorry for everything!"

"It's okay, and I love you too Dean, always have!"

Dean's POV

"Be my girlfriend?" She simply nodded.

3 years later.

Roman, Seth, and me were sat in the mall at our latest signing, I looked over and smiled and saw my gorgeous girlfriend in the toys store holding our 1 year old twins Moxley and Bella. We were all finally happy.

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