Hitch A Ride ~ Dean Ambrose

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Dean's POV

We were all sat in our dressing room watching Emma in her match against Layla. She looked beautiful in her skin tight black ring attire. She was completely dominating as I became lost in her movements. " Dean, you like this girl, tell her how you feel before she loses interest." Roman confessed. I thought about it, and maybe he was right. I watched as Naomi came out and distracted Emma allowing Layla to pick up the win. She stormed off as I went out to look for her. I went outside and walked down the side road and saw her sat on the curb. I sat down beside her putting my hand around her. She looked up at me.

"You okay Dean?" She asked intrigued.

"Yeah, kinda of, but I have something I want to tell you." She signalled for me to continue. " I really like you!" I blurted out. "Ever since I first met you, I have really lile you but I suppose I never had the balls to tell you. I can see you like me to Emma, so will you be my girlfriend?" She nodded her head, smiling wide with her teeth on show. I cupped her face pulling her towards me pecking her lips. Hopefully, this will be it now. The lunatic fringe will be tamed.

1 year and 9 months later...

I made a promise to Emma that day that I would always look after her. That no one would ever laugh at her again and I kept that promise. 9 months ago we married, it was the most perfect day in the planet.

I was currently sat in a white room with Emma snuggled into my side. She had just given birth to the most gorgeous girl in the universe. She was taken to he cleaned up as I looked down at Emma who was so exhausted. The midwife brought her back into the room. She reminded me so much of her mother, perfection! "Have you got a name for your daughter yet Mr and Mrs Ambrose?" Me and Emma looked at each other agreeing,

"Saraya Lily Ambrose!" I said proudly.

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