King Barrett for I-Heart-Ziggler

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He was arrogant. Cocky. Selfish. All at the same time such an intriguing man. I hated him, despised him, I felt nothing but anger towards him. He was a dangerous man, that I always tried to avoid. Wade Barrett was a one in a million; not in a good way. "Riley!" I twirled around as my best mate Brie jumped onto me.

"Briemode!" We both yelled bumping fists. We began walking through the halls, to find our locker room for the evening. Brie had been my best mate since 2009. We had shared some many experiences and memories with each other. She was like my female soulmate. Tonight was Extreme Rules, and we were both beyond excited.

A herd of superstars came walking past us in the corridor, swallowing us up amongst such a big crowd. Wade walked right past me alongside Bo, purposely brushing his shoulder against me, making me stare at him as he continued his walk. "Riley, snap out of it. Anyone would think that you like him or something."

"What? I don't like Wade, Brie what are you on about." I laughed at the thought of me liking Wade like that. He was slimy, I could never like him like that.

"If you say so." The longer I thought about it, the more I came around to the idea a bit. I mean he had a good body, and his British accent was just breathtaking. His voice was like a magnet which attracted me to him.

"Okay, so maybe he isn't too bad, but I don't think I could ever see myself with him. He wouldn't go for me." I admitted.

"But you would?" Brie came around my other side, pinching my hip, giggling.


I was up against Nikki Bella in a title match, with Brie surprisingly by my side. They had recently had a huge fallout causing Brie to side with me instead of Nikki. Her husband, Daniel Bryan, was also in a match defending his Intercontinental Championship against only King Barrett. I was desperate for Brian to win, for Brie's sake, and for Wade's egos sake.

Somehow during the match, Brie had managed to get herself ejected from the arena. Nikki was screaming at the ref for allowing her to get involved, so I saw it as the perfect opportunity to wrap my arm under her leg and roll her up, for 1...2...3.

I had done it! I jumped up yelling and shouting. All of a sudden o felt a huge smash on the back of my head, falling to the floor. I was repeatedly stamped on and kicked in the ribs. I knew for sure it was Nikki. "Riley!" I overheard Brie yell, as she climbed back into the ring, hauling her sister off of me. "You're okay. Don't worry."

As we got backstage, I looked down to see my title belt loosely wrapped around my waist making me smile. To know I had beaten the Nikki Bella was a feeling I could never put into words. It was mind blowing; out of this world. As we took a casual stroll down to the trainer's room, Daniel walked past the two of us giving Brie a peck on the cheek. I began walking ahead to give the two of them some private time together, and so Brie could give Daniel a good pep talk. As I walked around the loop, Wade walked past me with his robe wrapped around him, and his crown placed firmly on the top of his head. "Congratulations." He commented.

"Cheers." I replied bluntly. I wasn't in the mood to talk to someone like Wade right now, I had more important things to sort out. I barged past him, eager to get my wounds checked over, when he yanked me back, pulling on my arm rather roughly to get my attention. I stumbled back a bit, as he pushed his face forward into mine. I felt his hot breath on the side of my face,

"If I win my championship match tonight, I'm taking you out to dinner Riley, whether you agree or not." He whispered. And with that he walked off away from me. I froze. What was I to do now? I couldn't go to dinner with Wade. Could I?

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