Shocking Secrets ~ Dean Ambrose {Part 3}

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Athena's POV

I cradled my 3 month old girls close to my chest. Briar Rose sat on the end of my bed as I stroked their tiny bits of hair on the top of their head. Moxley began to cry as Briar delicately took Perrie from my arm and pulled her into her chest protectively.

Moxley kept wailing as I tried everything tk make her stop. "Athena!" Dean yelled from the living room. Moxley began to quieten down as I picked her up and walked towards the room Dean was in.

"You okay Dean? You wanna take her for a bit?" Dean shot up from his position running into the bathroom, slamming and locking the door behind him. I took Moxley into our bedroom and places her next to Perrie on the bed as Briar tickled their bellies. "Look after your sisters for a minute Bri. If you have any problems we are in the bathroom." I walked over to the bathroom door knocking on it loudly.

"Dean!" I shrieked. "Open the door, c'mon let me in. Tell me what is wrong." He didn't even stir as I continued whacking the door. "I'm not leaving until you open up!" I threatened. A couple of bangs could be heard from through the door. The lock turned to vacant as the door slowly swung open to reveal a puffy, bloodshot eyed Dean. I smiled weakly at him as I steppes forward pulling him into a hug.

"I'm scared," he confessed as I sat him down on the ice cold floor. I could feel a couple of tears soak through my top, pulling his face close to mine wiping my thumbs just underneath his eyelids getting rid of his tears.

"Why are scared babe? What is there to be scared of?" I queried as he looked at me, attempting to compose himself. "Deep breath. I'm here, whenever you are ready." I pulled him close to me, running my hand down his muscular chest.

"I-i'm scared of being a dad Athena. Worried that I won't be a good father like my own. What if I can't look after them, give them all they ever wanted. Be the Dad they look up to, and the person who inspires them." I sighed as a few tears rolled down his cheeks. I kissed them away, before kissing his forehead.

"Don't ever let me hear you say that again. Dean Ambrose, you are a remarkable man, brought up practically by yourself. You are the most amazing Dad our three kids could ever wish for. They love you, and they as well as me hate seeing you like this. The fragile side of you, but you have to be strong!"

"I know. But sometimes I worry that one day it will all become too much, and that I won't cope and go off the rail." I took his hand leading him to the bedroom picking up the twins as Briar ran towards Dean hugging him. Dean looked at me unsure as to what to do completely. I gave him a look to just tell him to keep going and that he was doing good.

"It's gonna be hard Dean, otherwise why would we do it. Children are challenges, but you've been through so much, this should be easy for someone like you." I reached for his hand placing Perrie in it. I showed him what to do with Moxley. He followed my every move. The look he gave Perrie made my heart melt, I could already tell they had a special bond that no one would break.

"That's it. You're doing great." I encouraged. He smiled at me as I leaned in quickly kissing him,

"ewww, mummy, daddy stop!" Briar pushed the two of us apart hugging both our legs as with our spare arms we wrapped around her chest pulling into us. Dean looked at me with a twinkle in his eye.

"Thanks Athena, I love you so much beautiful."

"I love you too." I reached down kissing Briar on the head. Right now I just wanted for time to stop and for someone to just snap a picture of us all together.

"And thankyou for my gorgeous family."

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