Dean Ambrose for Moxleygal

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Dean has the GPS, which he can't do it. Danielle says she'll do it. He nods. They sit in the hospital, Roman normally goes in with her, but Dean won't so she tears up. Roman rings Dean to check things, as the nurse calls Danielle out for her appointment. Dean takes her hand in the office. It is too early to tell. Dean wipes the gel off. He tells Danielle he wants to take her out. He admits he likes her, and as no one else will, he wants to father her child. She says it back. They embrace at the beach. Few months later just before the birth Dean proposes. She accepts. Dean admits he is scared to her Seth, Roman, Randy, and Paul. They say it is scary then easy. He says he has survived an ambulance match. Two days later, a girl, Morgan, is born. Dean talks to her how he is not biological but will be her father.

Danielle's POV

I was numb with pain. I had lost everything. I was worthless. I was alone. I had one person in this world I could turn to, my brother, Roman. He was my rock, and my saviour. I'd just left my job at my own catering business, I needed a fresh start, and to try again. I had rang my brother earlier in the day, and he told me that my cousins, The Usos would meet me upon my arrival at the arena. I was walking through an alleyway, when I felt a sharp pain in my back. The pain travelled down, until I was sore all over my buddy. A muscular man had beaten me down, as he began to strip me bare of everything I had left of me, before doing the unimaginable, the unthinkable, the unbearable, something I'm not willing to share with you. (I don't want to write this part, as it brings up bad memories for me, and my young readers have been taken into consideration.)

Jimmy's POV

Me and Jey had been out searching for Danielle for a good half an hour now, winding our way through all the alleyways and the streets. We saw a dark, dingy alley, and took if upon ourselves to check it out. About half way down, we saw a suitcase laid out in the middle of the pathway, with a top and skirt lying on top. "Look." Jey pointed out a figure, huddled into a ball, rocking. As we got closer we could hear the girl crying. I got a better look at her face, as did Jey, examining her features.

"Oh no!" I exclaimed. "Danielle, its Jimmy and Jey." I struggled to cope seeing her in this much pain. She had cuts and bruises all over her body, making me wince at the sight of her body, and what some vile man had done to her. "Jey, we have to take her to hospital now, I'm gonna ring Roman." Jey began to wrap her up in items found in her case, taking his jumper off, and placing it over Danielle for warmth, as I reached deep in my pocket pulling out !y phone, preparing to make the hardest phone call of my life.

It was hard, I could hear his tears through the phone. He was at breaking point, he couldn't bare this, as much as me and Jey could. This was his sister, and now he had to prepare to see her, in a state so unimaginable.

Roman's POV

I had been allowed the night off by Stephanie McMahon, who was extremely understanding of my situation. She told me that if o required anything she was a call away. I rushed to the hospital so fast, desperate to make sure that my little sister would be fine. Jey had earlier text me where I had to go to find her room, so it was just a case of getting there as quick as possible. I ran down the corridor, going down every room until I came to Danielle's. I pushed the door open as quick as possible, as my feet stuck to the floor like glue. She was curled up in a ball, shaking in fear. I calmly reached forward placing my hand on her thigh, making her flinch. "Danielle, it's just me, it's Roman." I sat down in the spare seat at her bedside.

"I wish you luck bro, we've tried talking to her for the past half hour, and we haven't had a single word come out of her mouth." Jimmy said, leaning forward to kiss her cheek, before they gave us some time alone.

"What happened?" I asked, despite it perhaps being slightly obvious. "You can talk to me." I tried hopelessly to reassure her I wasn't going to hurt her, and that she could talk to me, but she didn't seem bothered to try and talk to me. I was helpless, and I was left with only one option; to ring the police. As much as o didn't want to get them involved, there was no other way to get through to her. Well, there was one more option.

Danielle's POV

Roman left the room, making me sigh in relief that he had left. I couldn't face my family, well not yet anyway. The pain in there faces, and the torment that had been caused was something I just couldn't come to terms with.

After a while, Roman came back into my hospital room, with a lady behind him. "Danielle, this is Steph, she's one of the principal owners of WWE, and she wants to help you." Steph walked up to me, shaking my hand before sitting down.

"I get that this is hard for you right now, but your family want to support you, and you can't just push them away. They want to protect you and look after you, and you need to cooperate with them to make that happen. What you are going through right now is unimaginable, and I sympathise with you so much, but this man to my right, and so many others just want to help you get back to being you, heal your wounds, and make whoever did this to you pay the price." I struggled to believe the cheek of this woman who I barely knew five minutes ago. Who did she really think she was?

Seconds later, two men in illuminous jackets walked into my hospital room. The police. Really. I couldn't believe Roman had rung the police and not even told me. "Hi, you must be Danielle Reigns, we've come to talk to you about an incident that occurred to you tonight sweetie. Now, you don't have to answer anything you don't want to, and if it gets to hard we can leave and come back later." I nodded in response, processing all the information I had just been given. Roman squeezed my hand for support. "So from what we've been informed about your injuries, it appears that you've been attacked. Can you tell us about your incident?" I inhaled a deep breath,

"I was walking to meet my cousins, Jimmy and Jey to go to the arena, when I found a shortcut through an alleyway. It was dingy, and I got about half way down when I felt something hard hit the back of my head. I tumbled to the floor, unaware of what this person was doing to me really, I was dazed. I just remember getting beats all over my body, and then being dragged a few yards further down the alley, and then he raped me. I don't want to go into details about that." I burst into tears, reimagining the nights events. Although I never got to see his face, I could just see his figure in my mind, smirking at my pain and discomfort.

"That's all we need to know for now Miss Reigns, we'll come back to you in a couple of days as we try to identify the culprit." The police left, as Roman pulled me into a huge teddy bear hug.

"You're safe now." He whispered gently into my ear.

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