Stories Of A Hardy ~ Dean Ambrose

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"Paige, Wade!" I shouted as I ran down the corridor to catch up with my British colleagues. They turned around and smiled at me as I caught them up.

"Hello there young Danielle. What can we do for you bestie?" Wade said in his very strong northen accent.

"Well, Tom is visiting me so I can help him become a bit more muscly for his upcoming movie. And if you could help me show him around that would be great!"

"It would be lovely to see the young chap again Danielle, our pleasure won't it Paige?" She nodded smiling. I thanked them and walked off to go meet Tom. My brother was Tom Hardy, a globally recognized actor.

I walked back to the entrance of the building when I saw a dark haired man, with jeans and a ripped shirt on. "Tom!!" I shouted as he turned around and I jumped straight into his arms. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too my baby sister. I know I have just got here, but please can we go get something to eat. I'm starving." I nodded and took him down to catering. We sat at a table when I heard a little snigger come from across me. I turned round and saw a forest of fake blonde hair. Summer Rae. I followed her as she walked over to a massive table. She sat down with Renee, Brie, Nikki, Daniel, Seth, Roman, Dean, Paige, and Wade. None of them realised I was sat here so I pulled my hood up and listened in to their conversation.

"I wonder if Danielle has met up with Tom yet. Surely they would have come straight to catering knowing what Tom is like." I heard Paige say, as I immediately recognised her accent.

"Well to be fair to her, she does need to skip a few meals. I mean, c'mon she has really let herself go." I heard one of them snigger at her comment. I looked down, well I wasn't exactly skinny.

"Dean shut up laughing will you. And Summer, shut up if you want to sit with us stop being such a bitch!" I heard Seth say. I could imagine her gasping and flicking her hair in shock as he said this. Tom walked back over with our drinks in his hand.

"Who are them fit girls over there?" He said signalling towards The Bella Twins and Renee.

"Why don't I go and introduce you to them Tom. Then you can find out for yourself." We walked over as everyone looked up at us, the girls, especially Renee started hyperventilating at the sight of Tom Hardy. "Guys, this is my brother Tom." He smiled and did a nervous wave. The girls reached forward and shook his hand unable to talk. Everyone was stunned, including Summer. Renee walked up to me and whispered,

"You set me up with your brother and I set you up with Dean." I nodded and we did our secret handshake.

Later on, me the girls and Tom were watching The Shield take on Slater Gator with Sin Cara. Dean was in a bad way, and Titus took full advantage of that. I cringed as he slammed Dean onto the mat, as you could hear his bones cracking under the pressure of the mat. He tagged in Roman, and I think we all know what happened after that.

"I'm gonna go see if Dean is okay and help him back here." She walked off as I made a nice seat for Dean to sit in without giving him any discomfort. I fluffed up some of the cushions and left the door open for him to get easy access.

Renee's POV

I walked over to Dean giving him a hand. He took my hand as I helped him limp back to the locker room. "Listen, Danielle is back in the locker room with Tom, please leave her alone. Don't start anything, or you don't want Tom causing you more injury." He nodded.

"I don't mean to hurt her Renee. I really like her. But she brings out my bad streak, it makes me want to hurt her. I am way out of her league, she would never go for me, so I go into defence mode."

"You never know Dean, until you try!" I said. Hoping it will push him into asking Danielle out.

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