Sheamus for wynter_h

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I try to calm him down but he won't listin and he keeps going on about he cesaro cheated and that mick set him up to loose

"You're going to smash it babe, don't worry about it." I squeezed Sheamus' hand as I reassured him about tonight and the big final of the best of seven series. 

"Well I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you."

"Don't be stupid, you were born to do this." The match before his finished up so I kissed him sweetly one last time as he went to the gorilla for his match. "I love you," I whispered to him; watching him walk down the corridor in his incredibly tight pants.

I found some of the girls hanging around so I watched the match with them. It was going great, not just for my man, but in general they both were killing it. After a while they started getting frustrated that neither had picked up the victory, suddenly the fight wasn't in the ring and instead they were outside, launching each other at the barricade with loud thumps. I sat cringing at the sight of bruises slowly forming on their bodies from the heavy hits. Sheamus was tearing Cesaro apart and in the end the medics were called in.

"What's going on?" I looked to Nattie and Naomi but they both just shrugged their shoulders. I watched the screen intently when the referee cancelled the match resulting in a no contest. Both men looked bemused as they realised neither was able to call themselves superior or better then the other.

I went to the final curtain before you'd enter the arena to greet Sheamus. I knew he'd be gutted that he didn't win after having such a big upper hand initially at the start of the series. Cesaro came around first clinching his shoulder clearly in pain. We both smiled at each other as he was quickly hurried along to the medic room. It took only a few more seconds before Sheamus came round. Immediately I wrapped my arms around him as he snuggled his face into the crook of my neck. He didn't bother wrapping his arms around me but I didn't mind.

I led him back to our own little dressing room that we had. He moped the whole way there, loosely holding my hand keeping his head low. He almost felt ashamed. "Come on you." I smiled up at him trying to keep him up beat, but he just smiled weakly at me then returned to staring at the ground as we walked. I unlocked the door, leading him in first so he could sit  down.

I turned my back to him to look back down the corridor when I heard a loud bang, followed by a few slightly quieter crashes. I turned around seeing Sheamus throwing the folding chairs in the room around anywhere. He kicked the metal bin over, launching it across the room. I shut the door hoping no one would hear the commotion outside. "Baby please stop," I whispered my heart rate picking up. He'd never made me feel scared before, but seeing the anger and fury in his eyes terrified me a bit. He paid no attention to my pleas for him to stop, in fact I think he had completely forgotten I was even in the room. The whole room had been completely rearranged, a couple of times over.

After a short while, and me shaking in the corner of the room, he decided to turn his attention to punching the walls with his bare fists. I wasn't just scared for me anymore, I was scared for him. Who knew what he would do when he was in a mood. "Sheamus!" I screamed, as he finally snapped around, realising that I was still in the room.

"They stitched me up Wynter. Mick knew what he was doing." I was becoming really wary for myself as he carried on beating himself up about the match. I knew there was no reasoning with him, and that I should just wait for him to calm down. "He cheated! Cesaro cheated!" It was torture not being able to hold him and tell him it was going to be alright. He picked a couple more chairs up throwing them in all different directions, that was until one came within inches of hitting me. He was too furious he hadn't even noticed, but I'd had enough. I grabbed both of his wrists tightly.

"Stop it! You're scaring me. Do you have any idea how close that chair was to hitting me." And that was when he broke. The tears began rolling down his face, as he practically collapsed to the ground.

"I'm so sorry, I let you down." I used my sleeve to wipe the stray tears that hadn't formed a wet patch on my top. I picked up two of the chairs opening them ordering him to sit. I grabbed his hand, just like I had done moments before his match.

"This is not your fault. You haven't let anyone down. It's not your problem that you were so good that Cesaro had to be checked over and get the match thrown out." I rested my forehead on his trying to calm him down.

"I just feel like I've been cheated by the two of them." I moved over onto his lap, wrapping an arm around his giant frame.

"You'll get your revenge, trust me. Your time will come." He smiled over at me, kissing my lips softly yet meaningful.

"I'm so sorry about the mess." I looked around at the numerous items that were upside down or broken in half.

"What about the near miss chair?"

"Oh my gosh I had completely forgotten about that." He hid behind me so I couldn't see his face. "I'm never going to forgive myself for that one. What if I had hit you? It was all in the moment I swear, I'd never purposely hurt you or scare you."

"I know you wouldn't babe, but it's all alright now." I used my finger to raise his chin up so I could look into his eyes. "I love you so much, it's all forgotten now."

"What did I ever do to deserve you?"

"I have no idea." I shook my head smiling wide at him, kissing him once again. I grabbed his face pulling him tight making sure he knew I was there.

"I love you so much too." He whispered against my lips smiling.

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