Seth Rollins for SanushiHanu

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I'd dreamt about him for years, how it would feel when I kissed him or when he hugged me but I just couldn't. He had absolutely know idea, and every time I tried my nerves would make me crack and fumble. Have you ever felt that week at the knees feeling? That was me every time I saw Seth Rollins. His slightly static hair would often brush past my cheek or arm as he walked past, or how every time I ran down the ramp I would see one of his fan shirts.

Somehow I kept plucking up the courage to speak to him but when his eyes met my blue ones my mind would go through a crazy tunnel as if we were already getting married. There was something about even thought of life with him that made me so content. The way he filled my heart with confidence and ease, the words just never quite came out.

"San!" I twirled around as Nattie walked up beside me giving me a hug. "It's so good to see you." Tonight was the annual super show where both brands joined together for a four hour spectacle. Nattie was the only person I really felt I could talk to when I was upset as she was such a good listener.

"It's so good to see you too. I've missed you so much." The two of us walked down to catering to grab a bite to eat and to talk about what's been going on recently.

"So, have you got a boyfriend yet?" Of course Nattie went straight in there. She knew practically from the beginning that I crushed on Seth and constantly tried to get me to tell him or make a move, but that was clearly yet to happen.

"No." I groaned sinking slightly in my seat.

"Oh Sanushi come on, you've got to tell him," she urged leaning over the table and grabbing my hand.

"I know please don't remind me." I begged going back to my food.

We both sat and ate for a bit, scrolling through our phones and taking a couple of selfies to put on social media. A few people came over and greeted us briefly but left a few minutes later. "Look." Nattie squealed, dropping her fork on the table, quickly swallowing her food. I turned around to look at what she had noticed only to see Seth walk through the doors.

"Seriously? That's it." I sighed returning to my food trying to dismiss his presence as nothing.

"Oh come on, go say hi." I nudged her under the table to try and shut her up. "You know he's looking at you," I turned around only to see that he was actually eyeing up all the different foods on offer. "Okay, so maybe I lied but you couldn't help but look could you?" I shook my head trying to hide the growing blush on my cheeks. "Alright I'll stop now, I can see the blush," she teased. We both went back to our food again as I composed myself again trying to get Seth out of my mind.

"Hi girls," I had just finished my food when I looked up to see Seth stood at the side of our table. I looked up to see Nattie in the hope she'd maybe help start the conversation, she smirked at me slightly picking up her phone.

"I'm due at make up so I'll see you in a bit." She scurried off leaving the empty seat for Seth to sit on. I couldn't believe she'd done this to me, but maybe she was trying to help. I couldn't bare to even  look at him my mind was all over the place.

"Have you had your hair done again?" Of all the questions or things he could have said, and that was it. I ran a finger through my short red hair. "It just looks more black today." I shook my head, as he looked closely at the streaks in my hair.

"No, not since I saw you last." I giggled trying to get rid of the awkwardness. We both sat there staring at the ground for a few moments, when once again my heart started beating a little bit faster, and my brain tried to string a couple of sentences together. "Look," I suddenly blurted out, instantly regretting it. I quickly tried to come up with something to say next but before I knew it my mouth had already opened. "I really like you Seth, and I know you don't feel the same but I just felt like I needed to let you know." Before I could finish my sentence my legs carried me out of the room as far away from Seth as possible. Obviously this was all Nattie's fault too. I ran to where the boss would be and informed them that I felt unwell, so they told me to take the next few days off. The next few days away from Seth.

I knew that the days off would come to an end eventually, I just wasn't exactly prepared for it. I opted to wear the biggest jumper I could find upon my return with the hood up so I hopefully would not be seen by Seth. I walked through the doors trying to look around to see who was around. I rushed over to the ladies dressing room where I could sit by myself for a bit. "Hey Sanushi, nice to see you're feeling better." I couldn't quite work out who's voice it was so I turned around to see who was speaking to me, only to regret it straight away. "I thought you might have just been avoiding me."

"Don't start Seth." I warned walking off again pulling my heavy suitcase.

"I'm not doing anything Sanu. You're the one being rude." I turned back around shooting him a warning glare. "I actually wanted to speak to you about what happened last week."

"Oh, well I know what you're going to say and I don't really need to hear it, so if you'd mind not rubbing it in that would be great."

"But you don't. I really like you Sanu." He said walking over to me to stop me walking away. He took my case out of my hand leading me to somewhere a bit more quiet. "There's no walking away from this."

"Please don't lie to me, it isn't funny." He sighed looking down at his feet. He had a small smirk across his face, as he scuffed his feet on the floor. "Seth?"

"Why can you not just see that I'm not lying to you at all." I shook my head in disbelief, as it was my turn to look at the floor. "I'm being completely honest with you, and I will do whatever it takes to make you believe me."

"I don't know." He put a finger on the bottom of my chin raising my head so my eyes were looking straight into his.

"If you don't know then maybe this might change your mind." He slowly leaned in until his lips touched mine, my eyes instantly shut and my right arm lifted to hold his cheek. The kiss was beautiful, everything I could have imagined and more. I eventually pulled away, looking into his eyes for a few more moments.

"Maybe I believe you now."

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