Dean Ambrose for NewDayUnicorn

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Being an only child made me quite the social butterfly. I loved everyone and anyone, all eyes on me. Being a writer, I was able to write down all my feelings into my novels, and then I was hired by WWE, and instead now I bottle them all up and hide them away from the world. Many people asked what happened to Penelope Pace, the emotional author who could click with a reader after three words. Truth is, she was hiding away, her life was going nowhere, the outgoing, strong woman was no more, she had been replaced by a creative blur.

It was another day at work backstage desperately trying to come up with a new storyline for Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt. I was reading through all the ideas but none of them really stood out. I already disliked Ambrose, his cockiness and arrogance he had been brought up with in Ohio. There was something about him which made me wary, quite frankly we were polar opposites, and it was going to stay that way.

In the end I decided to sleep on the ideas I had narrowed it down to, and packed up to go home. I pulled out my car keys when my bag slipped off of my shoulder. I went to pull it back on when a hand grabbed my arm and turned me around. A man dressed all in black wearing a balaclava punched me square in the face. He hit me a couple more times before picking up my purse and phone, running away.

"Oi. Hey! You, come back!" I couldn't even move, mainly out of shock. Of all the people, Dean came running over to see if I was alright. "Poppy, stay there, I'll be right back." I couldn't exactly move anyway, but I did as he said and laid there in the middle of a car park. I had no clue why anyone would attack me. What had I done wrong?

"Ow." I groaned, the blood trickling down the side of my face. I thought Dean had left me here, until he came back over and sat down next to where I was. "You got him!" I exclaimed as he showed me my purse and phone in his hand.

"Well not exactly, but I got your stuff."

"That's good enough for me." I smiled up at him, and then I realised that maybe he wasn't as bad as I thought, and really he was just honest and caring for people. Dean picked up all of my belongings. I could hardly turn my head, but I had to when all of sudden he stopped speaking.

"The diary of Penelope Pace." I had completely forgotten my memoir book was in my bag. It was only half written, but so far it was amazing. I'd never release it, not now, but it was a separate project I could focus on when things were tough.

"Are you Penelope Pace?" Nobody at work knew, they just called me Poppy, the ordinary geek who might have to tell you what to do from time to time.

"Shh. I didn't have you down as one to read books anyway Ambrose." He put it down, and scooped my now full bag up.

"Me, My sister, yes my sister is a big fan. She loves that book Anything Love you wrote." For the first time in ages someone was actually talking to me about my writing and it felt amazing.

"If you say so Ambrose." It was crazy how I'd written him off but now here we were. "If you could help me up now, that'd be good." He reached forward scooping me up with his muscular arms, propping me upright. "Anyways, I've got to go now, but thank you so much, I'll repay you somehow." Dean waved me goodbye as I got in the car, inspecting my face in the side mirror.

"What about your face?" I looked back at him smiling.

"I'll sort it, don't worry." I drove out of the park, heading down the road to finally get home.

Narrator's POV

It was clear from that evening Dean Ambrose had strong feelings for the stunning Penelope Pace, but would she ever know. Pace was too wrapped up in her work, throwing herself into all challenges. But what about the challenge of Ambrose? The affections Dean had for Poppy could never be reciprocated, she was too blinded by her writing. Of course later on that evening Poppy would let it all go as her alias Penelope, that way no one would know, not even Dean.

Poppy's POV

I arrived at work the following morning the same as I would any day. Not even a thug would faze me, but Penelope Pace was beyond excited. This morning I had a meeting with Dean and Seth to discuss storylines. The whole event of last night had given me a perfect idea.

The two men came into my office, sitting in the plush seats opposite me. "So here is how it is going to work. Billie Kay will be coming up from NXT and Dean you will portray her love interest. We want a new angle for you, but it won't be permanent. Seth, you will then fight Dean for Billie, you having much stronger feelings for her. The storyline is titled Love Always Wins. Any questions?" The entire time I was talking all I could see was Dean staring at me. I had covered my bruise up with make up so no one would ask any questions.

"I do." Dean spoke up raising his hand. I looked to Seth who shook his head.

"Seth you may leave." Seth got up exiting the room, as Dean pulled his chair around the desk so he was sat directly in front of me.

"Are you alright? After yesterday." I appreciated he was caring but I was fine.

"Just a bit of dignity lost, but apart from that." Something came over me, I was suddenly in admiration at how chiselled yet messy he was.

"Poppy? Are you sure, have you got concussion or something the way you keep staring."

"What? No, I'm just a bit dazed I suppose." His expression turned sad, but I had no idea why.

"Oh. It's just I was hoping you'd say yes and that you'd like me, because I really like you." I had never thought of Dean romantically before, but when I stopped and thought about it, maybe there was something there. There had to be a reason why he helped yesterday.

"Maybe I do like you." He looked up from twiddling his fingers awkwardly. He had a massive smirk on his face and his eyes lit up. His beautiful eyes were staring into my blue ones.

"Well then Penelope Pace, if I may. Can I take you out on a date this evening, and maybe you can write about me in that diary of yours."

"Don't push it Dean, but yes you may." I swear he did a small squeal as he squeezed my hand running out of the room to get ready.

"You won't regret it," he grinned, shutting the door.

Maybe Penelope Pace wasn't going in the wrong direction anymore, perhaps a new book was on the horizon, maybe a new name. Penny Ambrose? A whole new me, goodbye Penelope Pace. Right now, I was about to click with a new audience, no hiding, no gimmicks, just me, Poppy.

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