Jeff Hardy for tashajayneperkins

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If I were to write a fanfiction, which superstar would you like to see it about?


"Remember to breathe, and stay calm." I looked to Jeff on my left as he gripped my hand tightly.

"Yeah, this match is such a great opportunity for you tonight, you've got to smash it." I smiled over at my sister Trish who was on my right. I had my ring gear on and had done my warm up and now I was waiting. I kicked my legs, my hands shaking as the two of them held my hands.

"Dani, you're up." I looked up at the member of crew carrying his clipboard. I jumped down first looking at Trish. She gripped both of my hands tightly.

"Go and smash it for me," she whispered, pulling me into a hug. I gave her a quick squeeze, pulling away from her, and turning towards Jeff. He placed his hands on my cheeks, giving me a peck on the lips.

"I'm so proud of you, win or lose, don't worry about a thing, do your best, we will love you either way." I kissed his lips once more, then walked with the guy out to the gorilla.

"See you guys in a bit," I said waving to Trish and Jeff.

I got backstage, watching the monitor as Lilian began her introductions. First out was Ivory, as I jumped around backstage, the first beats of my theme music being played.

"And her opponent, from Toronto, Ontario Canada, representing Team Xtreme, Dani Stratus!" The crowd cheered for me as I skipped out to the ring, the atmosphere better then I could have ever imagined. I high fived the fans going down the ramp, walking round the ring, stepping into the cell structure through the metal door. I stared off with Ivory who was stood at the opposite side of the cage. "And their opponent, from Los Angeles California, she is the WWF Women's Champion, Victoria!" I stared Victoria down as she came down to the ring, remembering how Jeff told me to just breathe and stay calm. The occasion and the fans made the whole match a whirlwind.

The three of us were killing it, I had to admit, the Hell In A Cell really bringing out the best in al of us. I had just thrown Ivory into the metal cage as Victoria laid out cold in the middle of the ring. Throughout the match Jeff's words had been ringing through me, so I felt there was only one way I could finish the match off. I jumped up onto the turnbuckle, diving off with a Swanton Bomb, landing on Victoria perfectly. I heard the referee hit the mat three times, jumping up in shock and disbelief. "Oh my gosh!" I shouted, standing up and having the belt handed to me.

"Here is your winner, and the new WWF Women's Champion, Dani Stratus!" I jumped up in the air, climbing on the turnbuckles showing off the belt, quickly running back up the ramp and backstage to Jeff and Trish. As soon as I saw them I jumped into Jeff's arms, feeling Trish's arm wrap around my waist.

"I'm so proud of you, you've got no idea, I can't believe you've done it." I felt him kiss my cheek, as I jumped down giving Trish a hug too.

"Congratulations sweet, two Stratus champions in the WWE." We high fived as I showed her my belt. "Dani, I've seen it before, multiple times." I covered my hands over my face to disguise my blush.

"Oh yeah, sorry." I turned around, handing it to Jeff instead who gladly took it and checked it out.

"I bet it looks amazing wrapped around your waist." I felt the cold metal hit my stomach as he tied it up at the back, the belt itself sitting perfectly on my hips.

"I cannot believe this is happening to me!" I said, making the two of them giggle. I watched Trish as she pulled her phone out.

"I'm really sorry Dani but I've got to go." She kissed my cheek and then ran back down the corridor leaving me and Jeff alone. I turned to Jeff who pulled me into a massive hug.

"Lets head back to the hotel and celebrate, I've got a table booked for eight." I kissed his cheek lightly grabbing his hand and walking back to the dressing room, being congratulated by lots of people on the way. "Someone's popular."

"Team Xtreme is on the rise baby, nobody can stop us now." I yelled, skipping down the corridor, yanking him until he joined in.

"You are damn right there darling. I love you so much."

"I love you too," I said pecking his cheek.

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