Dean Ambrose for Awesomegirl4569

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Alexis' POV

Be ready at 7 babe, and make sure to wear the outfit I've laid out for you, (with Brie and Nikki's help) Love you, Dean. X

I studied the outfit to my right, a beautiful cream top, and my favourite pair of jeggings, and a pair of gladiator sandals. Dean had left early for work this morning, and as I returned I found a note on the bed from him. I looked to the clock, 3 o'clock it read. I had 4 hours to prepare myself, so quickly jumped in the shower to wake myself up.

After my hair had dried, I curled it into loose curls which fell to my hips, bouncing whenever I moved my head. I applied a very thin layer of makeup to my face, before putting on the gorgeous outfit, and sat waiting for Dean to arrive.

For once, Dean was actually on time. He came into the house, picking me up bridal style and running to the car with me in his arms. "You look beautiful darling." He whispered in my ear, making me blush.

"Why thanks, you don't look to bad yourself." Dean was wearing a nice shirt, tucked in with his signature jeans, and a pair of posh brown shoes. "Where are we going?" I asked, as we pulled out of our driveway.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out sweetheart." I tutted at him, as we headed into the main city centre. Dean reached over, placing his hand that wasn't on the wheel on top of mine, rubbing smooth circles into it.

After half an hour of a nice drive through the city, Dean pulled up at the beach. There was a few streetlights guiding us down the sandy beach. The beach was my favourite place to be, the way the waves crashed onto the sand, and how the sand would crunch under your feet, and you'd still find it in between your toes a few days later. "I thought we could take a nice walk along the beach. I mean we never get days off anymore, so seeing as I had no events tonight, I thought I'd treat my lady to a little date." Dean took his shoes off, as did I, as we made our way onto the sand, our fingers intertwined.

"Its beautiful Dean, thankyou so much." I pecked his lips, as we walked down the beach, just enjoying each others company. There was no one around, and all you could hear was the sound of the ocean.

After about half an hour of walking, Dean stopped us twirling me around to face the ocean, as the moon reflected onto it. I looked up at the moon, as Dean released me from his grip. I looked across the beach, admiring the view, trying to find our car, as I released just how far I had to walk back. I turned around to see what Dean was doing, and gasped.

Dean was down on his knee in front of me, holding a red velvet box in his hand. He took a steady breath, as I realised what was about to happen. "Dean..." I whispered giggling.

"I know people always say, how 9 months isn't enough time to really know someone, let alone love them. But Alexis that is exactly how I feel about you. They always say, as soon as you meet someone you know if they are the one or not, and you are. You always have been, and I hope you always will be. I love you more than words can describe, and I thought why waste time, so Alexis, will you marry me?" Tears were streaming down both our faces, and for the first time, I got to see the real Dean, the emotional one, who never opens up to anyone.

"Of course I will." Dean placed the huge diamond ring on my finger, before pulling himself up, with a bit of my help, and lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around him, planting a soft kiss to his lips. Dean began to run towards the ocean, as I yelped. He dipped his feet into the ocean, throwing me in the air and catching me.

"I love you." He said throwing me up,

"I love yo-" I was cut off my feeling the impact of myself landing in the water. I swallowed a bit of sea water, as I swam under, seeing Dean's leg. He had rolled his jeans up, so I had easy access to yank it, and send him flying into the sea too. We both rose to the surface, before embracing again. "I love you too Dean, forever and always."

"Forever and always." He agreed.

A/N- Sorry about the slow updates, but as some of you know, I'm fifteen, and studying for my exams which set me up for the rest of my life, and some of you are putting quite a bit of pressure on me to update all the time, and it is starting to annoy. My exams and future come first, so please be patient. I don't need messages everyday asking when I'll update, when I've a!ready explained why!

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