Dean Ambrose for Xo_Coocky_oX

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"The following contest is scheduled for one fall," I grabbed Dean's hand one last time squeezing it as we made our way out to the ring for his match, "introducing first accompanied by Nicole, from Cincinnati Ohio, weighing in at 225 pounds, Dean Ambrose." Dean did his usual entrance and I did mine, skipping down the ring, spinning my head to make my hair go wild. Dean separated the ropes for me to get in, and followed behind. He hugged my side, doing his own little thing before Sheamus made his way out to the ring.

"Come on Dean, you're doing great." I kept hitting the mat to build up some momentum for him as Sheamus was dominating. Of course it was hard not being able to climb in the ring and help him, instead having to stand back and watch, but I had every confidence in my man that he would smash it like he usually does. The crowd were behind him all the time which was lovely. Every so often he'd turn around and look at me smiling reassuringly that he was feeling alright in the match.

Dean hit Sheamus with a Dirty Deeds getting the three count and a win over one of his biggest rivals. I slid into the ring, pulling him into a really tight hug. "You were amazing."

"It was all thanks to you gorgeous." I pulled away as he pulled another of his devilish smiles at me. I couldn't resist smiling back at him, raising his arm in the air. The crowd roared loudly as Dean waved before hopping out of the ring, effortlessly lifting me down to the ground. We held hands back up the ramp before heading backstage. He high fived a few of the staff, the grabbed !y hand leading me back down to the dressing room. "We've got some celebrating to do." He winked.

"Maybe we should go somewhere a bit more private." He quickly packed up all of his belongings so he could get out of here and back to the hotel sooner.

"Come on you," he teased, leading me to the car.

A/N - The requester asked for this one shot to be fairly short, I haven't written a short one shot because I was stuck or anything.

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