My Hero ~ Ryback

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I sat in catering, on my own, as I did everyday, playing with my long brown hair. I pushed my glasses up my face as I lookes round at every other superstar and diva all talking and making friends. But that just wasn't me, I didn't want to talk to any of them. "Oh look Clarissa is by herself again." Natalya shouted as everyone just turned around laughing, apart from Dean, well only because he was my little brother. Only Seth and Roman knew who he was to me. Just things were a little different now, the Shield had broken down, and Seth just keeps taunting me about it.

"Did you draw your tattoos on Clarissa?" Randy Orton yelled.

'You can talk' I said in my head, scared to really say that to his face. I walked out as I felt myself beginning to get angry.

I walked through the middle of a group of divas as Alicia Fox stuck her foot out and I tripped over it, lucky saving myself from falling flat on my face. I was nearly at the dressing room, when I heard his really annoying voice.

"Oh Clarissa, I think you should know, tonight we are coming for you. When you are by yourself in the ring, and everyone laughs at you, enjoy it." Seth said. I turned around as he hid behind J & J security.

"I swear you come near me Seth I will-" I was cut off,

"-run to Dean again. Cry on his shoulder as he pretends to give a stuff about you. Get real girl, no one wants you here." He replied. Dean loved me didn't he?

"Shut up! That's a lie!" He laughed and was about to reply when another voice interrupted our conversation.

"Seth leave the girl alone, and run back to mummy and daddy. Oh wait, you already have." I turned around to see who it was. Ryback. I always kinda liked him, his powerful arms, and shiny bald head. Joey and Jamie lunged towards him, but Seth pulled them back. He sighed and walked off.

"Just wait Clarissa, we are coming for you." Next thing I knew I was crying my eyes out, as Ryback wrapped his big arms around my waist. I wasn't the skinniest person in the world. He stroked my face pulling my hair out of my face. I pulled back and looked up at him, he wiped the tears from under my eyes.

"I'm sorry. God, I'm so stupid crying infront of you. You don't even know me." He smiled and held my hand. He was gentle, he wasn't scaring me or intimidating me like everyone else does.

"I want to know you. I'm here for you if you want to talk. Don't feel like you have to hide, I know it is hard but I can help you, if you let me." I nodded smiling as he pulled me in for a hug. I inhaled his scent as I heard another male clear his throat. I pulled back and saw Dean.

"What's wrong Rissa? Are you okay?" He looked at me worried.

"I'm fine little brother just go carry on with what you were doing." He kissed my cheek and he walked off. I looked over at Ryback who looked confused.

"Little brother?" Damn. He wasn't supposed to know. Well I should probably tell him.

"Dean is my younger brother. Okay?" He nodded and took my hand as we walked off.

Later on...

I was sat in my hotel room, by myself when my phone went off. Stephanie McMahon. Great.

Hi Clarissa. Do you mind making your way over to my office now please. I have something to tell you.

Brilliant. Probably something like 'you're fired because you have no friends.'

I knocked on the office door as Steph opened up the door. She smiled and shook my hand. "Clarissa, brilliant, take a seat and I will let you know what it is I need to talk to you about." I took a seat, looking around at the pictures on the wall. They all had a member of the McMahon family, so they must be very sentimental. "I will get straight to it. We feel like the WWE universe doesn't know enough about you, and the way to change that would be to put you in a romantic storyline. It will give you a chance to be very open, personally and in character. Is that okay with you?" I smiled and nodded, eager to know who my partner was. "So I know what you are thinking and your partner will be... Ryback!" My grin widened. This was the best possible outcome. "You will intervene in his match tonight and then kiss in the middle of the ring."

Ryback's Match

I watched closely as Ryback wrestled with Titus O'Neil. Titus took control, so I thought now might be a good chance. My music played as I walked down the ramp and did a lap round the ring. Titus was shouting at me, but I couldn't hear what he was saying. Ryback pulled him back and got him in the shell shock. He pinned him as I squealed in delight for him. I ran into the ring as he pulled me towards him, looking into my brown eyes. He leaned down and kissed me gently. I felt fireworks, and butterflies in my stomach. I felt so safe right now, I had the big guy, and that was all I needed.

Few weeks after

After being in a storyline with Ryback for a couple of weeks now, I began to feel something else for him. I was sat in my hotel room, when there was a knock at the door. I walked over and opened it as Ryback smiled down at me. "You okay?" He nodded. "Come in and take a seat." He sat down on my bed and pulled me down with him.

"Listen, I wanted to talk to you. Over the past few weeks I have really got to know you, and really like you as a friend." I felt my heartbreak a little bit as he said that. "But then I thought about it last night, and I don't like you as a friend, I like you as something else Clarissa. I wanna be with you." He looked at me pleadingly placing his hand on mt cheek.

"I like you too." He laughed with relief and leaned down and kissed me. This time it felt differnt though, we were finally a proper couple.

"We won't tell anyone for now okay?" I nodded. "We can tell the Universe in a couple of weeks." I smiled, although I wanted to scream from the rooftops, this would be for the best.

Few weeks later - Monday Night Raw

I was accompanied by Ryback as I was in a match against Cameron. We were still in our romantic storyline, so to make the crowd all excited I hit Cameron with the Meat Hook and went for the pin.

I won. Ryback climbed in the ring with a microphone in hand. He kissed me and began to address the WWE Universe.

"For the past 2 months, me and Clarissa have been in a romantic storyline with each other. However, tonight, I wanna tell you all how I truly feel. Clarissa, is my girlfriend, and honestly in my eyes she is the most beautiful girl ever. She has opened up to me, and is a girl who I now find so special. So this is no longer a storyline, it is in fact reality." The crowd started chanting 'Feed me more' as he cupped my cheek and gave me a loving kiss. This moment was just perfect.

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