Roman Reigns for bleedingaffections

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I was 8 months pregnant and the pain I had to deal with was becoming unbearable. Everything I had to deal with, as well as the pressure of being all by myself was intolerable. My husband, Roman, was on tour and had made a decision to take me with him just in case of any precautions. He was in a match with Dean, against The Primetime Players. I was lounging backstage, resting on one of the big crates where I could stretch my legs out. "Shelbi girl!" Alicia Fox skipped over to me lightly hugging me. "Look at the size of you." She rested a soothing hand on my bump.

"Only 1 month to go and then all this will be over." She squealed sitting beside me. I felt a light pain in my stomach, but I knew it was probably just the baby moving and I shouldn't be alarmed.

"I'm so excited for it to come. I mean, I get to be godmother don't I?" I could see the excitement in her face, which I couldn't deny made me want to get up and jump around with her too.

"Of course girly." She hugged me, again being protective of my bump. Sometimes, it almost felt as if she was carrying the baby too the way she looked after it and shielded it. I looked up at the muted TV screen, to see Roman and Dean in the ring. "Ooh look," I pointed up to the screen, "the boys are up." I sat upright as I felt a pain as I moved so I could see the screen better.

"Come with me, and we can go watch it on the bigger screen." She grabbed my hand, to lead me to where we were going.

"Ow!" I yelped, doubling over in pain. The pain in my stomach was agonising as Alicia looked shocked. I felt a pain in my stomach as it slowly travelled down until I felt a slight dampness in my trousers. "Uh oh." My water broke as I screamed out in pain. "Alicia, its too soon, this can't be happening right now." Of course Alicia was no help, she had never experienced anything like this before. I saw Tamina walking down the corridor. I smacked Alicia on the arm, pointing towards Tamina, too tired to speak. Luckily, Alicia understood what I was signalling and ran over to her.

"Tamina!" She yelled, catching her attention. She came running over, pulling Kofi, who was just walking by, over to us. Tamina had been in labour before so knew exactly what I wanted and needed.

"Shelbi, you're gonna be fine. Kofi can you grab a towel please, Alicia you need to get a bottle of water and a jumper or something." Kofi sprinted off, as Alicia followed.

"Roman has one hung up just outside the locker room." I barely whispered. Me and Tamina were left alone as she guided me through my breathing pattern. "Where is Roman?" She asked.

"M-match." I could barely speak without wanting to scream out in pain. I was crippled over, with only a crate to support me. Kofi came running back with a towel, which Tamina snatched and started dabbing my forehead. "Ow!" Kofi grabbed my hand rubbing a pattern on it.

Tamina swatted his hand away. "That's Roman's job. In fact, go and find Roman." Tamina was in her maternal zone, and was not to be messed with, so Kofi ran off to the gorilla post to grab Roman as quickly as possible. Alicia came back with a bottle of water for me.

"Shelbi!" I looked forward, the sweat dripping down my forehead. I saw Roman sprinting towards me, Dean in tow. "It's too early," he said, placing one hand on my back and the other on cheek, kissing me lightly, making sure I knew he was there. "You're gonna be alright, we're gonna get through this, the pain will all be worth it." I looked into his eyes, as I could see the happiness just through his concern for me. "We need to take you to hospital."

"Ro, I can't walk." Next thing I knew, I was swept up in  Roman's arms as he carried me to the parking lot, Tamina following behind us with the water and towel. Alicia opened up the car door as I was thrown into the back, not literally. Roman got in the drivers seat, as the two girls got in two other seats.

Roman sped insanely fast down to the hospital, at some parts we were all worried for our life. He was desperate to get me in the care of the professionals, which as much as I was grateful for, I wanted to get there in one piece.

After 26 hours of an extremely intense labour, which I could never describe to you, the midwife told me that it was time to push. Roman was by my side for the whole time. As she said this, he got up off of his seat and grabbed my hand. "I'll be here, breathing alongside you, squeeze my hand baby, I don't care as long as you're fine. You've done so well already, it'll all be over soon sweet, then our little bundle of joy will be here." His motivation gave me that little something which made me want to push, something I wanted to avoid from day one. The girls were outside, they arrived a couple of hours ago after having to spend the day at work.

After about half an hour I had to make my final push. I looked up at Roman, "I can't do this. I can't do one more push." I whimpered. My body was shouting at me to stop and let it rest, but unfortunately I had to do one more push in order for that to happen.

"Yes you can. You've been so brave, and strong. I'm still here, my hand is still here, I'm not leaving you. You push and you squeeze my hand, and that will be it. One more, that's it. Do it now quick and it will all be over?" He looked over at the midwife and she nodded. Roman slotted his hand back into mine, as I gritted my teeth and pushed for the final time.

The cries made my heart beat crazy, Roman looked down at me, kissing my forehead. My body was aching as I settled down into the bed. "A baby boy." The midwife informed us.

"I'm so proud of you Shelbi, so proud of you. Our baby boy is here beautiful." He kissed my lips. "Rest up darling, you deserve it." I snuggled into the duvet as the midwife carried the baby over to us.

"Who wants the first hold?" She asked, holding our wrapped up boy in her arms. I looked at Roman as he looked at me.

"Shelbi can." Roman smiled at me, as I extended my arms welcoming my baby boy into my arms. He looked at me, as I stared down at my son clueless.

"What would you like to name your son?" The midwife asked. Me and Roman had the discussion earlier into my pregnancy, and we both decided on a pretty simple yet cute name.

"Alex." We both simultaneously said, agreeing that our perfect little son would be called Alex.

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