Ryback for RebelAngel4ever

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Ryback's POV


Tonight we were in Nashville for the show, and whilst it was a nice place, there was absolutely nothing to do. In the end Randy, AJ, and I decided to go and check out the town rodeo. The event was great, the energy and the atmosphere were incredible, as we walked through the crowds to see they even had a bull ride. A personal favourite of mine. Sat on top of the bull was a girl with long black hair, with silver streaks going through it. We all cheered her on as she made the eight count for the ball. As she rode around her hat flew off of her head, landing just by my feet. The girl got off of the bull looking around for her hat, so I raised it in the air so she could see it. "Snow?"

Randy and I looked over at AJ who looked over at the girl, who was presumably called Snow. She stepped down, as I handed her the hat. "AJ?" I looked between the two of them, as they pulled each other into a hug. "It's been so long."

"Yeah, I know, you're looking well." He pulled away looking at her and all the little features.

"You two know each other?" Randy asked. AJ nodded back at him, as Snow simply smiled.

"Snow and I go way back mate, way before I started wrestling, she's been my friend for years." AJ put his arm around Snow inviting her into our little circle, joining in with the conversation.

"You were incredible on the rodeo," Randy complimented her. There was something about her there meant I couldn't even talk. She had a beautiful smile, and a proper country aura about her. Everything about her sent me good vibes, something I rarely felt working where I worked.

"Oh thanks."

"What do you mean thanks? Stop being so humble Snow. She's known all around the country scene for being a wicked rodeo rider." I looked at Snow again who was blushing hard, probably wishing AJ would stop talking about her.

Not long after that, Snow was pulled away by someone else as the country dance started. Unlike the other boys I decided to step away at this moment, sitting on a hay bale and watching everyone else. I watched Snow dance for what seemed like forever when eventually AJ came and found me. "I can see you staring at her mate. Go and ask her to dance?" I looked over at him, but he just nodded over to her. I thought about it in my head for a few moments, but found myself jumping up and walking over to her. I reached forward to tap her shoulder, only to see her be yanked off to the side. I looked over to see Snow flailing around on the floor with another girl. No one knew what to do, so just stood as spectators.

"There you are! Do you know how much trouble you've landed this company in." The three of us turned around to see Triple H walking towards us. Oops. "You've missed the whole of Raw." I was only really half listening to what Hunter was saying, I was too focused on Snow and how she had the other girl completely done for. She had practically broken the girl, as she stood up, pulling her top down and brushing her hair out of her face, walking back over to us. "Wow," I heard Hunter whisper as Snow came and stood next to me. "You were incredible in that fight. Paul Levesque, from the WWE." Hunter stepped forwards and shook Snow's hand.

"Thank you. I was just doing what anyone would do if someone decided to start a fight with them. Nice to meet you." Snow looked simply flawless, it was as if she hadn't just had a massive scuffle with someone on the floor of a barn.

"I don't usually do these kind of things, but I would really like you to come and wrestle at Smackdown tomorrow. One of our wrestlers got injured this evening and now we're stuck for tomorrow. You won't need to do anything spectacular, and I'm sure these boys can teach you the basics before tomorrow." Snow looked around at all three of us, her eyes setting on AJ.

"Go on Snow, you'd be awesome." Hunter held his hand out for Snow, who shook it in agreement.

Present Day...

All day we had been working with Snow making sure she would be absolutely perfect. AJ and Randy had taken control whereas I just sat back for most of the day, enjoying the view. There was certainly something unique about her to say the least, the passion she had for a good fight admirable.

The time had come for Snow to go out and wrestle Alexa. She had on a gorgeous crop top, and rather short shorts, not that I was complaining. As well as that, she had chaps and her cowboy boots on to add to her character. She went along the three of us, pulling us into a hug, and thanking her. "Go and smash it," I whispered into her ear as she skipped out to the ring, her theme 'Workin' On' playing out.

The three of us crowded round the monitor making sure we had the best view of the match, and more importantly Snow. She was definitely killing it, the crowd really getting into the match too. About five minutes in she managed to hit Alexa with her own RKO getting a pin and a victory. The three of us high fived backstage, running to the gorilla to meet her.

Snow came back around all sweaty as we pulled her into a group hug. Unlike me, the other boys had matches tonight, leaving me and Snow alone. "You're very quiet aren't you." She said as we walked around backstage.

"Yeah I guess, I just struggle with new people." I admitted. I felt her place her hand in my hand, smiling up at me.

"I've got to say, I completely misjudged you, I thought you'd be some monstrous beast, but inside you're just a giant teddy bear." I smiled down at her as we went outside into the cold breeze.

"It's not the first time I've had someone tell me that." We ended up walking down to a small patch of green space, decorated by tonnes of flowers. We sat down sitting opposite each other. "You've done absolutely amazing to get where you are in such a short space of time, I'm really proud of you."

"Thanks Ry. That means a lot to me, I'm so glad I've met you and Randy." The lack of sunshine left shining radiated off of her skin, making her silver streaks shimmer brighter. She moved over so she was sitting right next to me, looking up at the sunset sky.

"I'm glad we've met such a beautiful girl like you too." I quickly scrambled the rest of my sentence out, instantly regretting what I said.

"Beautiful?" She questioned moving position again so she could see my face.

"Well yeah, I mean you're beautiful, look at you. Of course you are." She smiled at me, propping herself up with her arm.

"You're quite handsome yourself Ry. Don't tell anyone but I've got a secret soft spot for muscular bald guys." She winked at me making me laugh, as I tentatively put my arm around her shoulders. She responded well, moving closer to me.

"A funny one I see too." She tilted her head slightly, a bit too nervous to rest it completely on my shoulder. "Look, before we head out of town, how about me and you go out on a date? Nothing special, just see how things go."

"Yeah, I'd really like that." She said, a small bit of her smile visible.

"Thank goodness you said yes otherwise this could of turned very awkward." I laid back on the grassy field as Snow leant back to, placing her head on my stomach, stretching her limbs out. "These are the kind of moments I miss."

"Normality?" She asked.

"Yeah, everything is just a giant whirlwind with work, I miss doing proper human things, just like last night. That was the most fun I've had in years."

"I'm glad to hear it, because if you didn't go last night, you wouldn't be doing your normal things right now." I nodded down at her.

"Well, it's a good job I met you then." For the first time in a long time I felt completely relaxed, I felt normal again. I felt like Ryan, just another human living his life.

"I know for one, I'm very grateful for last night."

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