Big Show for JustMeWoo

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Big Show divorces his wife and gets with Andrea

After so long of hiding, and sneaking behind people's backs today was finally the day our secret could be out. For months we've been hiding, no one could know, no one could find out, we had to keep quiet. But I didn't care, he was my secret love affair.

4 months. It felt like a lifetime when we snuck around at every given opportunity. For so long, I had to sit back and watch him kiss her, and hug her, and pretend that he actually loved her. It was crushing my heart, but he promised. He told me that he would be with me one day. Today. The day of his divorce. The day that he can finally be mine. When everyone knows who I belong to, and who he belongs to.

'As soon as I'm divorced, I'll make you mine.' Was the last thing he told me last night. The last thing he told me as a married man. He was meant to be divorced half an hour ago, and the court was only ten minutes away. He said he'd come straight away, but he was nowhere to be seen.

There was a quiet knock at the door, shortly after, so I went to see who it was. I opened up to see a bouquet of flowers at my door. I picked them up to see a small envelope tucked into one of the flower stems. I picked it out and placed the flowers on the cabinet. It was written in the recognisable handwriting of my love.

Dear Andrea, its all over. I've given you the gift of flowers whilst I grab a takeaway for us to enjoy tonight. I can't wait for tonight, but for now think of me as you inhale the beautiful smell of the summer flowers. Be there soon. Show xo

I raised the flowers to my nose, smelling the beautiful smell. It tickled me to think he was so thoughtful and kind.

The time it took for him to arrive felt like forever. There was a knock at my door, as I ran to open the door and saw Big Show smiling down at me. I snatched the food away from his hand, jumping into his arms, grabbing the sides of his head, kissing him passionately. "How did it go?" I whispered, still propped up in his arms.

"Perfectly. I'm a free man, who no longer has a wife." He shouted the last bit for emphasis. I giggled at him as he threw me onto the bed, taking his top off, pulling the duvet over us, and joining me under the sheets.

"What about our food?" I asked, as he peppered my neck with kisses.

"There's a microwave it's cool. I'd rather cuddle with you right now." I nodded in response, wrapped up in the moment. Considering his size, it was quite difficult to wrap my arm around him properly, but I tried to cover as much as him as possible. "You remember what I told you last night?" He whispered into my hair.

"Yeah." I replied as quiet as he did.

"So can I ask you something?" I nodded, knowing exactly where this was going. "Will you finally be my girlfriend?" I looked up at him, straight into his eyes, holding his face, planting a sweet kiss onto him.

"Yeah, of course I will." I snuggled back into him, rearranging so I was completely comfortable in his arms. "Although, I am getting rather hungry."

Big Show picked me up, carrying me over to where I left the food, easily swooping down and picking it up me still in his arms. He set it all out for us to eat out of, after picking many random dishes out for us to choose from. "So what would you like to eat, girlfriend?" He questioned, kissing my neck, standing behind me.

"I don't know, boyfriend." I replied, as I chose what I wanted to eat for our first meal as a real couple.

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