Dean Ambrose for Lil_Miss_Jessica

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I was an unknown. I hardly knew anyone, hardly anyone knew me. I was a low card, good for nothing wrestler. I wasn't respected or acknowledged. People would give me the funniest look, up and down several times. They would think I was crazy; that the WWE was crazy for hiring me. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, I used it as my disguise, to make me look like I had friends. I turned round the corner, when I felt like I had walked into a brick wall. The impact of it hit me hard, as I tumbled backwards, smacking my head on the floor. I winced at the pain.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. Here, let me help you up." A masculine voice spoke making me jump a little. I looked up, still frozen like ice in shock. Dean Ambrose. Out of all the people o could've possibly walked into, it had to be one of the most popular superstars on the entire roster. As soon as I caught glimpse of his eyes, I was instantly excited by what I saw. I had a thing for nice eyes, and his were just out of this world. They blew my mind.

"Thankyou." I replied, gladly accepting his offering of a hand, as I rose to my feet. "I should really watch where I walk." I joked. Dean didn't seem to think it was funny. He was weirdly staring at me, making me feel slightly uncomfortable. I waved my hand in front of his face.

"Sorry, I'm miles away. You know, you're beautiful. But I didn't even catch your name." Brilliant! I work with him and he doesn't even know my name.


"Sapphire Shadows?" He asked. I nodded in reply. "Wow, I was expecting you to be a lot different from the things I had heard in the locker room."

"All good things I hope." He gave me a bit of a funny look. I knew that most people in the company hated me, so I wasn't top surprised by his reaction.

"Umm... well kinda I guess." I immediately knew I'd made him feel slightly uncomfortable.

"It's fine, I know everyone hates me, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't expecting everyone to talk rubbish about me." At last, Dean let out a slight chuckle. 

"I don't think that." I half believed him, half didn't. All the people in this company had the same opinion, they would stick together like a pack of wolves. I was like a stray.

"That's cute! But, unfortunately everyone does think that. I'm not liked, and I've learnt to deal with that. You don't need to pretend." I lightly touched his arm, as I turned back around to walk away.

"I'm not pretending." I swear, for the first time ever, I heard true emotion in the voice of Dean Ambrose. It was as if he was about to break before my eyes. I could hear the pain in his voice, making me turn back around and look him in the eye. "I honestly really like you already. Just give me your number, and maybe we could make this work. Anyways, I thought you'd have realised by now, I don't follow the crowd." I laughed slightly.

"Although that is true, you surs you wanna get involved with a girl like me." I asked, getting my phone out.

"Yeah I'm sure." Dean grabbed my phone out of my hand, typing his number into it. "Text me, and maybe you and me could go out sometime." He winked, reverting back to his classic self.

"Yeah Dean, I'd like that." As he walked off, I got a feeling I had never felt before. Like love, just not quite, but I knew for sure, I liked Dean, hard, and now I knew he felt the same way too.

"Oh Sapphire, I forgot one thing." Dean came running back panting. He pecked my cheek lightly, quickly wrapping his arm around my waist. "Catch you later." He yelled running back. My heart beated a thousand times, as I imagined what my life could be like, excited by the thought of someone finally liking me in the workplace.

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