Seth Rollins for JoceRollins

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There was some sort of amazing buzz I got from being the enemy to The Authority. I made them feel how they make everyone else on the roster feel. I was in charge of them, I could toy with them, play them like toy dolls, string them along. The Authority was scared of me. Why? I don't know.

I had been feuding with The Authority for quite a while, but what they didn't know, was that me and their 'future' Seth Rollins had been dating for a few months behind their back. The Authority didn't know, no one knew. It was our little secret, one that we hid from the rest of the world. Nobody needed to know, it was a relationship for the two of us, it had nothing to do with anyone else.

I was sat in one of the empty rooms backstage, where Seth had told me to meet him. I pulled up a chair and sat on it, playing on !y phone waiting for him to show up. He would sometimes be a bit late, it depended if The Authority wanted him to do something. Not a moment later, the door opened up and Seth walked into the room. I got up, as he opened his arms. I walked right into the arm, wrapping mine around his neck, burying my head into his neck inhaling his smell. "Hey beautiful." He whispered.

"Hey." I replied. I pulled away from him, as he looked down at me, flashing me one of his signature smirks, before planting his lips on mine. Our lips locked together for a while, as the kiss carried on for quite a while. Our hands were exploring certain parts of each others bodies. "I've missed you." I broke the kiss, as I was struggling for breath.

"I've missed you too. I wish we didn't have to sneak around like this. I just wanna tell the world you're mine." Seth's words made me blush, as we continued where we left off, as I lifted Seth's top over his head.

"So this is the room where you guys will be staying for tonight's live show." I heard a deep voice from outside bellow. I didn't have time to move before the door swung open. I looked to my left, as me and Seth pulled away. To my dispair I saw Triple H stood at he doorway, with a bewildered looking man.

"You two?" He asked as if it wasn't already obvious, looking from me to Seth and back. "You two are seeing each other." I looked up at Seth. I knew he would deny everything now his boss was stood in front of us.

"I've been seeing Jocelyn for a few months now, and no matter what you say or do, I'm not going to deny it. I don't care that you know, I'm not leaving her." I couldn't believe that he just said that in front of the boss. I looked up at him happily. Seth winked at me, and gave me a comforting squeeze.

"Look, who am I to tell you what you can and can't do. As much as I may not be happy about this predicament, I've got to deal with it, just like the rest of The Authority. Just please, leave the room, so this man can sort himself out." I scurried out of the room, Seth in tow. "Oh and Seth." Seth turned around, as I stopped to see what Triple H had to say. "Don't forget your shirt." I saw Seth's cheeks explode like fireworks, as I tried so hard not to burst out laughing. We left the room, as Seth put his top back on.

"There, I told you, everything will be fine, so what of everyone knows, I'm not going anywhere." I smiled, as Seth kissed me, before we went off in our different directions to prepare for tonight's show.

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