Charlotte for ConallTimer

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*This one shot uses an OC, here is a brief description... Eric Balor is 26 years old and is the younger sibling of Finn Balor, he has wrestled all over the world and is portrayed by Noam Dar.

QOTD - If you were a superstar in the WWE what would your ring name be?

A - Mine would be Tallulah as I think it's such a nice name and I feel it would suit my wrestling persona well.


"Eric meet Charlotte, Charlotte meet Eric." I shook the pretty girl's hand as I leaned across the table. We had just been told we would be working together as part of a storyline, my first ever romantic storyline. I'd wrestled across the world but I had never been involved with another female before. We both left the office, remaining outside the door. Neither of us had ever spoken to each other before, which made the situation slightly awkward.

"So... I guess I'll see you around," she murmured scuffing her boots on the ground. I scratched the back of my neck, a true sign of my nervousness.

"Yeah," I hastily replied walking off to go and find my brother Finn. I knew exactly where he would be, make up, getting his body paint on for the show. I went in to find Mandy painting red all over his chest.

"Hey bro, " he greeted me looking up from his chest. Finn's chest was a lot better then mine he had the best ab definition I had ever seen.

"Hi, look bro I really need your advice on something." I still hadn't calmed down from the awkward encounter with Charlotte, as my hands were shaking.

"What is it?" Mandy looked over at me, noticing the worry in my eyes making a quick excuse to leave the room and leave me and Finn alone.

"I've been put in a storyline with Charlotte and I don't know how to feel about it. I've never spoken to her before but now I have to pretend I'm in love with this tall stunning blonde." Once I'd finished I looked up at Finn who's facial expression did not look promising.

"Bro you better watch yourself around her, she's bad news she could tear you apart if you're not careful." I instantly regretted ever going to Finn for advice as my stomach churned as I thought about the weeks to come. "I don't want to worry you, but those baby blue eyes can do a lot of talking, not necessarily positively either. She's the daughter of the Nature Boy she's got a lot of power round here."

"Why else would she call herself the Queen?" I pictured back to earlier when I first met her, I didn't remember baby blue eyes just long blonde hair. I tried to imagine how she would look but all I could think of was baby blue. "Thanks for the help, but I've got to dash, my last Raw before I land myself in what could potentially be the worst career move of my life." I high fived Finn, careful of the paint, going down to catering to have a long hard think.

Once I had arrived home that following Wednesday I noticed immediately in the mail box my script had been delivered for the week ahead. I went in my house opening it up to see what would happen between me and Charlotte. I sat down opening up the piece of paper, thankfully the script itself appearing quite small.

"Sasha I'm the Queen, and Balor right here is my handsome Prince."

"Bow down to the Goddess Sasha, because nothing compares to the beauty radiating from my left."

"Kiss me Eric."

My head snapped back to reality when I noticed the dreaded four letter word. Kiss. How could I kiss her when I barely even knew her, or at least make it look semi-effective. All sorts of scenarios played through my mind as I thought about how this kiss would exactly go. Would I come on too strong? Would I drop her? Would there be a spark leaving me wanting more?

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