Finn Balor for taebaelove-

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I've started a new book called All Leagues Womens Wrestling, it's a sign up roster book so please check it out.

QOTD - What are you most looking forward to this year?

A - I'm looking forward to turning eighteen so I drink legally just in time for Christmas.I sat down on the crate scrolling aimlessly through my phone at all the mentions I had received on Twitter. Tonight was Raw, and whilst I didn't have a match I thought I'd come down anyway. "Shanna!" I looked down the corridor and saw Seth walking on over to me. He sat down beside me, taking my phone and turning it off. "What are you doing here gorgeous? You don't have a match tonight."

"I just thought I'd come by and see everyone." Seth had always made me feel uncomfortable, he was very needy for company but not always in a positive way.

"Are you sure you didn't just want to come and see my beautiful face," he teased. I shook my head laughing,

"no Seth, I know that's what you'd like to hear, give that ego of yours a little boost but no." He looked down at the ground as I looked over to see Finn staring at us. As soon as my eyes caught his he looked away, scuffing his feet along the ground, walking away.

"Well, unlike you, I have a match tonight, so I shall see you later on." He walked off, handing me my phone back as I went back to Twitter, chuckling to myself as to how arrogant Seth was.

I had sat round one of the monitors in the arena to watch tonights show, but now it had finished so I went down to catering to grab a bite to eat. It was pretty empty, just a few member of staff, Finn, Sami, and Neville. I sat down by myself texting friends on my phone and tucking into my salad. I managed to sit down for about fifteen minutes before Seth slid onto the seat opposite me, flicking his hair to look better. I looked up raising my eyebrow to him. "So did you see my match?"


"Don't you think my muscles looked amazing, my top was so tight my biceps looked huge." he flexed his muscles in front of me, kissing them.

"They looked like muscles Seth." I tutted at him, averting my attention back to Seth.

"Oh and my hair, my locks looked luscious and soft, don't you think?" I shook my head, begging for someone to calm and save me.

"It just looked like your usual hair does Seth." He groaned and sunk down in his seat, running a hand through his hair.

"You should be a bit more enthuastic Shanna, you're lucky I'm even speaking to you." I laughed, pushing my seat away from the table, grabbing my salad and phone, walking away. "No...wait...Shanna...hold up!" I heard him shout. I looked around seeing Finn once again watching me and Seth. I heard him get up too.

"Maybe you should leave her to it," I heard a male voice say. I walked around finding the exit, sitting down at the entrance steps. I played with a couple of stones on the step, throwing them up in the air and catching them.

"Are you alright Shanna?" I looked up and saw Finn poking his head around the door. I shook my head, burying my head in my hands as I felt his presence besides me. "You wanna talk, because I know I do."

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked, looking up.

"Seth." I looked at him confused. "Don't act like that."

"Seth's harmless he just wants some attention." I replied.

"No he doesn't, what he wants is you. Can you really not see the way he flirts with you, having to constantly be around you and talking to you." I shook my head laughing at how stupid Finn was being.

"You've really got the wrong end of the stick Finn." He stamped his foot on the ground, shaking his head.

"I haven't Shanna, because I'm the exact same, I want to flirt with you, I realy like you." He looked into my blue eyes, shaking his head. "You know what, I'm just going to go now." He placed his hand on the step to pull himself up, but I grabbed it.

"No, Finn just hang on please." He sat back down looking over at me. I placed my hand on his cheek, leaning in and softly kissing him. Finn scooted further forwards kissing me back, running his hands through my wavy long hair. I held onto his leg, balancing myself, before eventually kissing away.

"Wow! I had no idea you felt that way." He laughed, adjusting his hair from the mess it was.

"Neither did I until about five minutes ago," I laughed, sorting my hair out so it fell down the front of my face again.

"Shall we maybe head back inside?" He asked, grabbing hold of my hand, leading me up the stairs and towards his locker room. We walked down the corridor passing many members of staff and wrestlers.

"Shanna!" We both turned around to see Seth running over to me. I moved our locked hands forwards so that Seth would notice. "I just wanted to-" he stopped himself when his eyes locked on to our intertwined hands. "Actually, you know what, never mind." He turned around with his head facing down walking off.

"Well I think that told him," Finn whispered in my ear. I nodded in response as we started to walk again. We swung our hands high and low as we made our way to his room where we could talk some more,

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