Ultimate Decisions ~ Seth Rollins

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I rested my belt on my lap as I prepared for my match this evening. It was two days before Wrestlemania and I was hoping that I wouldn't lose my belt so close to the biggest night in wrestling. "Megan, babe!" I swirled round as my boyfriend Dolph came running towards me, sweaty from his match against Bray Wyatt. He opened his arms but I ran away.

"Stop! Dolph you're all sweaty and sticky and disgusting." He pulled me into him as I squirmed at his touch.

"Megan you love it really." I gave him a look as he pecked my lips. He took me to the side and into a separate room. "Good luck for tonight princess, I know you will do amazing." He kissed my lips before leaving to go and warm down.

Dolph definitely gave me the reassurance I needed. He was a calming influence and knew exactly how to make me feel better.

I walked along the corridor preparing myself mentally for the prospect of Brie Bella tonight. I knew I would have a disadvantage, because unfortunately I do not have a twin.

"Megan!" I looked around for the deep voice which beckoned me. Seth walked over to me grabbing my hand. "I just wanted to tell you good luck for tonight."

"Aww well thanks Seth, that means a lot from you." He smiled, but kept a firm grip on my hand.

"Just know that whatever happens that there is a lot of people back here who are so proud of you and love you." I nodded as he stared at me hard and meaningfully.

"Can you let go of my hand now please Seth." I pleaded. He continued to look at me as I began to feel quite intimidated.

Next thing I knew Seth had kissed me and had his hands on the small of my back. Something in my mind was telling me to kiss back, so I did. It felt amazing and something was going off in my stomach. Butterflies. Then Dolph flashed in my mind, and I realised how wrong I was. I quickly pulled away as I ran towards the gorilla post as he screamed for me to come back.

I had to concentrate and pull myself together.

After the match...

Somehow I managed to win the match, as everything kept playing on my mind. All the events kept replaying in my head. I ran off to find Dolph before Seth told him what happened.

I saw him in catering as I recognised his blond locks in the corner. I ran over to him jumping in his arms. He didn't wrap his around me, so I pulled away giving him a puzzled look. "What have I done? Did you not just see my match?"

"Yes, but I also saw you kissing Seth before your match. And I want to know why Megan." He pulled my hand dragging me out of catering.

"Dolph! Ow, you're hurting me." He pushed me lightly into the locker room with Seth sat there.

"Now you two are gonna shut up and listen." We both froze as for the first time in 3 years Dolph was really beginning to scare me. "I really thought that you were the real deal, the one. But no, you happily decide to just throw everything away and stamp on it. So answer me this, Seth, or myself?"

I took a steady breath, as the boys looked between me and each other. Dolph kept prompting me as I thought about things. Dolph hadn't let me talk for all this time, and now he is expecting me to choose between my boyfriend and my best friend, who admittedly I do have some feelings for.

"I don't know. I don't know who I want, I want the both of you, but I know now that, that is impossible." Seth stormed out sighing as Dolph sat down next to me. The tears began to fall as I thought about how much of a mess I had caused.

"I'm doing this because I love you, and how I just saw Seth react. Go to him Megan, tell him that you want him. I can see the look in your eye. Megan Urza, with your crazy red hair, weird blue and green eyes, and with the glasses which look so beautiful on you, are an amazing young girl, and you deserve the best in life. And as much as it pains me to say it, that is Seth. So go get him shorty and make him yours please."

We both stood up as he pulled me into one final hug. I inhaled his scent one last time. Dolph ran his fingers through my hair one last time, as we kissed, one last time.

At Seth's hotel room...

I knocked on the door, as I felt myself shake with nerves. Seth opened the door, as his eyes were all red and puffy. I smiled weakly as he let me in without saying a word.

"What do you want Megan?" Seth asked rather rudely.

"You." I exhaled. "I want you Seth, I want to be yours, I want for the two for us to be together."

Seth walked over to me, placing his hands on my hips. "Are you sure this is what you want? I mean, after earlier, I was pretty sure you were going back to Seth. I love you Megan, all your little quirky things, and insecurities, they are what make you so special to me. So lets give us a go, if that is what you want."

I nodded my head, as he leaned down and kissed me, pulling me onto the bed. I curled up into his side, as he held me close, his hand wrapped protectively around my waist.

This was where I was meant to be, in Seth's arms. This was my destiny.

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