Treasured Love ~ Bad News Barrett/Dean Ambrose

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Wade's POV

I watched my man try to fend off the beat down he was receiving in the ring. All I wanted to do was run out and help him, but I'd been banned from ringside. Dean already had a bit of a cold, and although as a wrestler that shouldn't bother us, it just wasn't worth going out for, but of course he did. Kane and Big Show repeatedly hit him, under Seth Rollins' orders. I felt a twang of pain in my heart, as he laid in the centre of the ring, practically unconscious.

Kane hit Dean with a chokeslam with a lot of power, stamping on his knee, which hadn't been right over the past couple of weeks. Dean slowly rose to his feet, as Big Show K.O'd Dean. As he fell back to the floor again, I saw his shoulder hit the mat, and bend quite far back as he screamed at the pain.

I ran as fast as I could to the gorilla post, as Dean came around the corner, the pain clear on his face. I instinctively wrapped my arm around his waist. "Let all your weight onto my arm Dean, you're gonna be okay." He flopped into my arms, as I propped his shoulder up, trying to keep his shoulder as still as I possibly could.

"Wade it hurts, I need to stop." He whined. Although I sympathised with my boyfriend, I knew to take the pain away, I needed to get him to medical as quickly as possible.

"Dean c'mon, you need to get to the medics. I know it hurts, but you just need to grit your teeth and bars with it, we're nearly there. I know you can do it, I'm here to help you." Dean smiled up at me, as I pecked his cheek, so he knew I was there. I knew exactly how he felt, and the pain truly is unbearable.

"Wade, I need your help." He begged, and I held my grip around his waist tighter. I made sure he walked without stretching his leg too much.

"I know, and I'm always going to be here Dean." I took him to the medical room, as he laid on the bed, sighing in relief as the pain slowly went away. The doctor wrapped ice around his knee, as I gently pressed an ice pack to his shoulder. "You were so brave today Dean." I whispered, just so he could hear. He smiled at me, as we looked into each others eyes.

"I love you Wade. No matter whether we are in a storyline or in real life, we are always gonna be together. And most importantly happy." Dean said, make me heart bleed, as I fell in love with him just a little bit more, if that was even possible.

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