Randy Orton for ZarryFuuckss14

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Tonight I was forced to participate in a match with The Viper. I couldn't say I was looking forward to it, or that I actually wanted to do the match. To be completely honest I had hardly ever spoken to Randy during my time at the company. We weren't very similar, and weren't really compatible. We were polar opposites.

After I made my entrance, I watched Randy come down. I knew I had to try for both of our sales that we had to try and get on. It wasn't going to be easy, but in our profession, not much was. We were against Summer Rae and Rusev tonight. I disliked Summer too much not to participate tonight. Randy smiled at me as he entered, to make us look like we were actually getting along with each other.

Randy said he would start the match, and would tire Rusev out as much as possible. I wasn't going to object, I didn't want to do much in the match tonight, I was tired and just wanted to rest. Randy did what he said he would, he completely dominated. I had never seen Rusev look so weak. Randy was performing move after move, and the match was becoming very one sided.

"I'm gonna tag you in." He said as he performed a DDT to Rusev. He had plenty of time, so strolled casually over to me. He reached his hand forward, and I slapped mine into it.

"Good job." I said over the top of the roaring crowd. As our hands touched, I swear I saw Randy wink at me. I felt a strange feeling in my stomach as I moved into the ring. As we exchanged positions, our sides touched, and out fingers brushed each other. I smiled at the feeling he was giving me, shivering as Sumner came in. I knew I couldn't lose focus and had to maintain the momentum Randy had given out team.

I wrestled for about five minutes, but I saw Rusev still hadn't recovered from his earlier exchange with Randy. I hit a suplex on Summer, hitting Randy for the tag. "Finish him." I whispered.

"Will do." I avoided all eye contact with Randy as I moved onto the apron. I couldn't deal with a repeat of last time. I could feel him glaring at me, but I didn't look back at him.

We won the match, and I scurried backstage so I didn't have to speak to Randy. "Vanessa." I saw Randy come up beside me. I sighed, kicking myself inside that Randy was here. "What was that out there?" He asked me, as if I was meant to know what we were meant to be doing.

"I don't know." I replied honestly.

"I think I do." He whispered in a calmer more relaxed tone of voice. I looked at him to continue.

"What was it then?" I queried. I didn't know what his response was going to be, as I was confused what it even was.

"It was me, trying to tell you that I like you Vanessa." I was for once lost for words when Randy told me. I didn't quite believe that he would like me.

"Well it was a pretty cute way of telling me." I replied, a bit unsure as to what to say in reply to something like that.

"Yeah, I'm just going to pretend that I didn't plan for that to happen." I laughed at his joke, a little bit over the top then it actually was.

"But you did." I confirmed.

"Yeah I did, who am I kidding." I laughed, as we took a seat on a pair of seats just to our left. We were getting in the way of people walking by, and thought they were interrupting our moment a bit.

"Well, I like you too." I confirmed making him produce a huge smile. I couldn't help but smile because of his infectious smile.

I'm pretty sure this user has changed their name, but I wasn't informed. If you change your username tell me, as if you do I lose the messages from your request. If you don't tell me you changed your username, I no longer will do your request

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