Seth Rollins for BlueCandy1oo1

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My heart was breaking as the scene played over in my mind from just over five minutes ago. I couldn't even stop the tears falling.


"Seth, Sukh, we've called you in today because we feel like we cannot let this go on." We sat opposite Vince and Paul who were at the desk. Me and Seth both looked at it each other, worry in our eyes.

"You're relationship cannot go on. It's not good for the business and the company, we're sorry, but if we could ask you to go your separate ways now." Paul said. A few tears rolled down my cheek which Seth rolled away. He then placed his hands on my cheeks, kissing me softly, and then pulling away, sliding away and leaving the room. We were both too broken to speak to one another as I looked at Vince and Paul in disgust. They smiled sympathetically at me, but I brushed it away, leaving the room.

Present Day...

After that, all I wanted to do was leave, but I couldn't. My match was tonight and I had to stay and suffer the pain of seeing Seth around the building.

I left the locker room, walking down to the gorilla with Sasha by my side. We went down the corridor when I saw Seth stood talking to Finn, his back to me. His hair, his body, everything  looked so perfect, but it wasn't mine anymore. "Hey Sukh, look there's Seth." She pointed him out to me, thinking I hadn't seen him.

"I know." I replied, sadly.

"Aren't you going to go over and see him?" She asked me. I shook my head. "Why?"

"We aren't together anymore, the bosses broke us up." Sasha wrapped her arm around me, squeezing me.

"I'm so sorry," she said to me. I nodded back at her, walking down the corridor. Clearly Finn had spotted me too, as he nodded in my direction causing Seth to turn around and look right into my eyes. I couldn't even bring myself to smile at him, the pain still so sore, and would be for days to come. "Just keep walking," Sasha told me, as he glanced back over to Finn, as I wiped the tears under my eyes that were threatening to spill.

After the first encounter we ended up constantly clashing into each other in the corridor, or in the car park, or at the hotel, something we never really did before when we were at work together. Whenever we wanted the other we were never able to find them, but now I could hardly go five minutes without seeing his face around me. It broke me every time I caught his eyes with mine, or I saw him bite his lip, a habit of his when he was nervous.

Tonight was Raw, and I was currently at the arena preparing. I was sat in catering with Sasha and Alicia when Seth walked in again. Sasha noticed as I slumped in my chair. "Try not to let it bother you," Sasha told me, as he grabbed some food and then walked straight past our table, knocking into it slightly.

"Oops, sorry," he briefly whispered, the sadness I felt causing me to get up and run out of the room in tears.

I went away to my dressing room, letting the tears flow and then composing myself again, leaving only to go to my match, trying desperately to ignore everyone. I went down the corridor as I always did when I heard my name be shouted. I turned around and saw Seth walk towards me. "Sukh." I stopped as he got right in front of me. "Good luck," he quietly spoke, walking back off again. I sighed, trying not to cry as I made my way to the ring.

"Here is your winner, Sukh!" Jojo announced my name to the crowd, but my theme music did not play out. Instead, the sound that echoed out to the arena when my ex boyfriend came out played. I looked up the ramp, seeing him stand at the top, clapping my performance. I stood frozen in the ring watching him. He finished clapping, smiling over at me and then leaving again. I slid out of the ring, unsure as to what he was playing at. I went backstage entering the directors room where Vince, Hunter, and many other officials were.

"How dare you defy us like this!" I heard Vince shout.

"We kept you apart for a reason." I walked through the curtain to see Vince and Hunter shouting at Seth. "There you are, come here." I walked over to where Hunter was, as without saying a word we were walked back through to their office.

We sat down in the same seats we did, not a week ago. "Clearly Seth I think you have something to say," Vince said.

"I do, and I'm sorry, but however much you try or want, I do love this girl and whilst it may not be best for business, it is best for my happiness. Isn't that enough." I looked over at him as he smiled over at me, dropping in one of his signature winks.

"It is clear how much love you have for her. And Sukh you feel the same of course?" I nodded back to Vince, his authority and my nerves stopping me from speaking. "Hunter what do you think?" Me and Seth both looked over at Hunter who sighed.

"We were once young adults in love Vince, as much as maybe we'd like to, we can't stop them being together." Vince tapped away on his desk.

"True." He paused for a few moments, and then started speaking again, "fine, the two of you can be together, just keep it behind the curtain and away from the ring." I felt Seth's hand grip onto my thigh, as without a second to think Seth held my hand leading me out of the office.

"Thank you so much. Both of you." I simply smiled over at them, to afraid to speak knowing if I did I would probably say something stupid.

I shut the office door, as Seth picked me up, twirling me around in the corridor. "I thought I'd be fine but I wasn't. A week without you is far too long, never again."

"This week broke my heart, and made me realise just how much I love you." He leaned back, kissing me softly just like he did when we were parted last week.

"I love you too Sukh so much, I'll never leave you, never." He told me, putting me down, as we walked down the corridor to the dressing room to head back to the hotel.

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