Buddy Murphy for MeganUrza Part 2

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Tonight was the night of my debut, and somehow Buddy had landed himself a position on commentary. I was beyond annoyed, but I didn't know what else I could do. He was almost untouchable within NXT. I was up against Carmella, who I knew I could defeat.

The crowd reacted amazingly well to me. I kept giving Buddy a few glances. I was extremely focused on my match, but I did hear a few of the things Buddy was saying to Corey.

"She's a pretty girl."

"Megan is definitely talented."

"She's got a gift and she definitely knows how to use it."

As much as the compliments were nice, I had to keep focus on my match and not worry what Buddy was doing. Carmella was a tough opponent tonight, so I had to be on the ball.

The win ended up being a pretty simple victory after I blocked Buddy from my thoughts. I went backstage to cool down and go home for the night. "Megan!" I turned around and saw the one person I did not want to see right now running towards me. I stopped, sighing in his face. "You were really good out there." I ignored him once again, really not wanting to get into conversation with him. "Are you gonna talk to me?" I turned around to look at him, taking a sip of me water.

"Just get to the point Buddy!" I shouted loudly, providing us with a few stares from people walking by.

"I wanted to ask you if I could talk to you?" I was a bit unsure whether to talk to him or not, but I might as well just give him a chance, who knows he might even apologise for the way he treats me.

I arrived at Buddy's house for our 'talk'. I wasn't exactly prepared or excited, but who would be. I knocked on the door to his apartment, and before I could let go of the handle, the door swung open taking me by surprise. "Someone's eager." I whispered to myself.

"Megan! I didn't think you'd come." He opened the door up for me, and I walked straight in, determined to keep silent. I sat down in one of the seats scattered around the front room.

"Can we make this quick." Buddy sat down opposite me.

"I just wanted to talk to you about something." His body language was a lot calmer then earlier, and he seemed quite relaxed for once. "I don't mean to treat you how I treat you Megan. How you think I feel about you, is the complete opposite of what I do." I was a little confused as to what he was saying, and it didn't really make total sense to me. "What I'm trying to say, is that I really like you, I just don't have a good way of saying it."

"I don't understand." All these different thoughts were spiralling in my head. Was he for real? Did someone dare him to do this? Why is he telling me now?

"I don't expect you to understand at all Megan, I know that you probably don't believe me either, but I had to get it off my chest. Seeing you in that ring tonight, I've never been more proud of you." His words were kind, something very rare for Buddy, but something still didn't quite sit right. "Let me take you out tomorrow, allow me to prove to you that I'm being honest and truthful."

"You've got one chance Buddy, that is all." His eyes lit up in happiness. "For the record, I still don't like you right now." Buddy laughed, as I sat back and relaxed into the seat a bit more.

"How about I grab you a drink and maybe me and you can talk?" He said walking up to the fridge in his kitchen.

"Yeah I'd like that." I replied, a small smile on my face.

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