Sin Cara for starlight-023

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I reached my hand forwards, tagging in my brother Kalisto, meaning me and Alexa exited the match. He went straight in for Dolph, taking him out with a series of acrobatic moves. I cheered for him as the crowd too got behind him, supporting him into more momentum. I watched him as he stood up on his tiptoes, wrapping his arm around Dolph's neck. I waited for him to flip around into the Salida Del Sol. I ran into the ring, quickly pushing Alexa off of the apron to prevent any attempt to stop the pin, quickly sliding out so the referee could count to three, giving us the victory. "Here are your winners, Scarlett Blake and Kalisto!" The referee raised our hands into the air. He towered above us, both me and Kalisto being quite small in height. The two of us slid out of the ring, walking up the ramp high fiving some of the fans first. Once we got backstage we were greeted by my brother's partner.

"Emanuel, Valerise, that was a great match." He pulled the two of us into a hug.

"Thanks Jorge, she did really well." I smiled at my brother.

"You didn't do to bad yourself, don't put yourself down." I told him. I looked over at Jorge who was smiling rather oddly at him. I turned back away from him, looking at my brother.

"I'm going to go shower, I'll see you guys in a bit." I watched my brother walk off down the corridor.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to go too." I went to walk away when I felt a hand clasp around my wrist, yanking me back.

"Wait, Valerise, I need to speak to you." I shook his hand off of my wrist, looking at him, waiting for him to speak. "I know me and your brother are tag team partners, but I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go on a date with me sometime?" I looked up into his eyes, seeing a little glimmer in them. He smiled at me, almost pleading with me to say yes. There were so many different thoughts going through me, I found Jorge attractive, but he worked with my brother. I possibly had to think about me for once, but I didn't want to hurt my brother.

"Yes." I said, without really thinking about it. Jorge smiled, pulling me into a hug. I didn't really have time to react, so I placed my hands lightly onto the small of his back. He held on for quite some time, until I eventually pulled away, smiling at the eager man before me.

I sat back laughing as I reminisced about the first time Jorge properly approached me. His excitable nature, and giant grin, all part of the reason I fell in love with him. We were on our way to the local beach, an idea of Jorge. The sky was dark, only little glimmers of stars lighting the way down the road.

Once we arrived I jumped out of the car, instantly taking my shoes off, the feeling of the sand in my toes exciting me. Jorge slid his hand into mine, walking me right the way down until we reached the first waves. He let go of my hand, walking around behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I don't know what it is, but the night sky really makes your eyes look beautiful, a gorgeous shade of green on a gorgeous lady." I blushed at Jorge's comment, his usual typical cheesy ones I had got fairly used to after all these years. I turned around, lightly pecking his lips.

We stood staring out into the ocean for a few minutes, when I felt him remove his hands from around my waist, complaining that he had an itch. I shivered slightly due to the lack of contact with his warm muscular frame. I continued to stare out, deep in thought, when I felt a tickle roll up my ankle. I turned around looking down to see what it was, only to see Jorge down on one knee in the sand. "Oh my gosh," I whispered, my hands going up to cover my mouth in shock. I took a couple of steps back, the waves moving around my sandy feet.

"Valerise, I've loved you ever since the day my eyes first saw you. Your beautiful eyes, your long brown hair, your little frame, even tinier height, but most importantly your massive heart that is full of love, that protects and cares for me, even when I can be the most annoying person in the world. Whilst this may be incredibly cheesy, trust me when I tell you it is all true. I love you so much, please make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?" I looked into his eyes the entire time he spoke, my heart beating rapidly, my legs shaking underneath me.

"Yes," I whispered, as he jumped up, placing the diamond ring on my ring finger. He grabbed a hold of either side of my face, leaning in and kissing me softly, but passionately. I instantly kissed back, holding his cheeks. The light sound of the waves crashing behind us, the busy world we lived in, leaving us for just a few minutes. I pulled away from him, looking down at the sparkly ring, and then back up to my fiancé. "I love you so much my gorgeous fiancé."

"I love you too fiancée." He replied, kissing me once again.

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