Rescued ~ The Shield

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I ran as fast as I could as I felt the burning sensation in my cheek. "Get back here now Anna!" My dad bellowed at me from down the road. He abused me. It was simple, it was as if I had my own routine. Everyday I would get slapped in the face, or kicked in the stomach, and I just couldn't take it anymore. I got to a quiet little road and stopped to get my breath back. The rain came pouring down, as my hair became soaking wet. I didn't bring anything with me, but there was no way I could go back.

A black SUV pulled up alongisde me and three funny looking men stepped out. One had longer hair then me, one was stood there almost pouting, and the other looked like someone threw paint at half of his hair. "Are you okay? What's your name darling?" The pouty one asked me. He looked quite scary and intimidating.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks and my name is Anna, but who are you?" They looked at each other, as I thought about what had just happened. Was I okay? No.

"My name is Dean, that is Roman," he pointed to the long haired one, "and that is Seth." He pointed to the half black haired dude. "We noticed you on the street and we didn't want to see a girl out here by herself. He reached forward to get the hair out of my face but I flinched back, "hey it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you."

"I'm sorry guys. I just ran away from home." They all gasped. "My father was abusing me so I stormed out, but now I can't go back, I'm scared what he will do." I didn't realise but by now I was crying like a maniac again, the boys huddled around me like penguins, as Seth played with the wet curls in my hair. Roman looked into my bright blue eyes.

"Come on we are gonna take you for a coffee, and warm you up." They took me into there car, and we pulled up at a little cafe. It was very intimate and quiet, there was only a few people inside. "You go sit yourself down and we will get you a hot chocolate to warm you up." I nodded and sat myself down at a table. I ran my fingers through my wet hair. I saw my reflection in the glass, wiping the mascara which had run from under my eyes. The boys came back.

"I know you don't know us too well, and we don't know you too well, but you can't live on the street. You don't have to, but would you like to live with us." I smiled at how sweet they were, they looked at me with a genuine smile as if they really want to help me. "We don't have a house, I mean we travel on a bus. We are WWE Superstars, and would love for you to come with us around the country. Anna, allow us to protect you, and you will never get hurt again. Plus you look like a bit of a tomboy, so you could probably give most of us a run for our money." I smiled weighing up my options. Either live with three caring boys, or stay on the street forever.

"That would be lovely, if it is no bother. But I have no stuff, no clothes, belongings." Roman reached forward delicately touching my hand.

"Baby girl, we would love to have you with us, and we promise tomorrow we will go out, and splash out on you, getting you everything you need." I took a sip of my burning hot chocolate slightly burning the tip of my tongue.

"Okay then, I guess I am moving in with you guys." They all cheered as they pulled me into a hug. I suppose this was my family now.

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