Jeff Hardy for SieraSmith6

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"Lita, it's so good to see you." I ran over to my sister as she pulled me into a massive hug. I hadn't seen her for a few weeks as she was on the road with work and I stayed at home.

"It's so good to see you Siera." She whispered in my ear, pulling away smiling at me. "Let's go sit down and catch up properly." I had no idea where I was going around such a big building so I followed slightly behind Lita so I was able to anticipate her movements. We ended up at a room labelled catering, showing that we were going to be getting something to eat. Lita walked up to the counter and handed me a plate whilst getting one for herself too. I picked up all the foods that I liked, and then we both went and sat down.

"So are you wrestling tonight?" I asked. I didn't really understand much about the business to be able to have a proper conversation with my sister about it.

"I do, against Mickie James." I nodded, knowing who she was. I didn't know many of the wrestlers to be honest, but Mickie was one of the girls I had been introduced to before. We both sat making small talk, but mainly just eating our food. There were people constantly coming in and going out, either reading bits of paper or typing on their phone. It didn't appear to be one of the more social places I had visited.

"Siera?" I took a mouthful of salad, looking up, as did Lita, to see Matt standing next to our table. "It's so good to see you." I stood up pulling him into a tight hug. I had known Matt for years, ever since he dated my sister. The two of them had remained civil but I was always texting Matt, just never being able to actually visit him in person.

"You look well," I complimented him, pulling away from the hug.

"You too. This is my brother Jeff." He stood slightly left to reveal a shy figure behind him. Jeff had a smaller frame, and a prominent jawline. His tattoos were clearly evident on his arms, neck and hands. I stepped forward, shaking his hand. He still didn't say anything to me so I took that as a sign to turn my attention back to Matt. "He's a bit shy," he whispered, just so I could hear.

"So have you got a match tonight?" I asked, that same question being the only real wrestling based question I could ask.

"Yeah, I'm wrestling against Edge tonight." I nodded in response, knowing full well it was a touchy subject with Matt. Lita sunk down a little in her seat as I tried desperately to change the subject.

"I've got a new job."

"Really! Where?" Matt asked.

"The recruitment agency just down the road from where I live." I looked down at Lita who was beginning to look agitated that I was still talking to Matt. "Anyway, we've got to go, but I'll see you in a bit." I quickly hugged Matt as Lita shot up out of her seat so we could leave. "You know to say you're supposedly civil you were incredibly rude back then." Lita was walking at a hasty pace, my little legs struggling to catch up.

"Shut up Siera. Some of us have got proper jobs to focus on tonight other then just working for stupid agencies. Just leave me alone." Instead of following her I stopped and allowed her to walk off, not once did she turn back around to check I was there. My presence clearly not wanted. I had no real idea where I was backstage, pulling my phone out of my pocket to see the battery was about to die. I tried to walk around for a bit, see if I could try and work out whereabouts I was, but I had no luck, so in the end I settled on one of the crates in the corridor, sitting on it swinging my legs from side to side.

I wasn't entirely sure how long I had been sat there, but not one person had walked past me for over an hour. I didn't know if maybe I was somewhere I shouldn't be, but I was still holding out hope that someone would see me. I tapped on the box playing some imaginary tunes hoping that it would make the time pass quicker.

"Yes, I'll be there, ten o'clock tomorrow morning, don't worry..." I looked up eagerly hearing a voice from just down the end of the corridor. It wasn't one I recognised so I was wary to get up and go and see who it was. I didn't catch the rest of their conversation, but after a minute or so I heard footsteps coming in my direction. I sat further upright watching the corner to see if anyone would come round. The first thing that I caught a glimpse of was a heavy boot which continued up to the knee of whoever it was as more of their body came into view.

"Jeff," I whispered to myself as I soon saw the massive tattoo and his long damp hair. I stayed sitting down to notice if he saw me, purposely knocking the crate to make a noise and get his attention.

"Siera, what are you doing back here? You're not meant to be down here." He walked over to me, putting his phone away and sitting next to me.

"Oh, I didn't know, Lita walked off and I was a bit lost so I took myself for a walk."

"Well you've missed the show." I leaned down putting my head in my hands, the whole real purpose of the trip was so I could watch my sister wrestle. "But whilst we're here why don't you tell me what happened with your sister."

I sat back up, removing my hands from my face. "She just got a bit upset because I spoke to Matt, she said some stuff, but I know she didn't mean it!"

"What did she say?"

"Just that I should leave her alone and that my job is stupid. It's fine though." Despite the fact she'd made me upset I still had to defend her, she was my sister.

"It's not fine though Siera. She shouldn't have said those things, it's not your fault she and Matt aren't together anymore, she shouldn't stop you speaking to him, and me for that matter." He placed his arm around my waist pulling me into a side hug. "Come on let's get you back somewhere a bit more familiar." Jeff grabbed my hand and took me back down to where the catering room was from earlier. The two of us sat down at a table together.

"Thanks for helping me Jeff." He grabbed us both a bottle of water, sitting down opposite me.

"I couldn't leave you, you're my friend of course I want to help you." I smiled over at him taking a giant sip of water to calm myself down.

"I hope I can still be friends with you and your brother, even if my sister isn't your biggest fan."

"You're a friend for life darling." He reached across and grabbed my hand smiling. I looked around the room at all the people eating their food. As my eyes scanned I watched my sister walk in with Trish. I watched as she looked around, averting my attention back to Jeff so I wouldn't catch her eye. I looked to the ground drinking when I saw her familiar shoes stop in front of me.

"Siera..." I looked up at her, refusing to stand up. "Look, I didn't mean what I said, I'm sorry." I looked to Jeff who signalled to me to tell me that I should stand up. I got up, Lita being a couple of inches taller than me. "Forgive me?" I didn't really have anything to say to her, so instead I nodded in response. She opened her arms out inviting me in, as I walked into her hug. "By the way, I think a certain Mr Hardy likes you." I felt myself blushing, hiding my face in the hug. I eventually pulled away, sitting back down, as Lita and Trish pulled chairs up to join us.  

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