Big Show for madisonjaeann

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A/N - If you haven't already make sure you vote in part 1 and 2 of my WWE Awards!

"Madison hurry up we're going to be late you stupid girl!" I hurried down the stairs with my bag across my shoulder. Kane was stood at the bottom of the stairs, his muscly arms crossed, his eyebrows furrowed in anger. As my foot reached the last step I felt his hand hit my shoulder pushing me over. Luckily I managed to gain my balance before I toppled over on the floor. "Get the keys and get in the car." I began to walk into the kitchen to get the keys, "Madison, my bag?" I scurried back to quickly pick up Kane's bag, wary that if I didn't I'd get another slap.

The whole car journey was in silence, I could never really think of things to say to him. My own boyfriend. Every so often I would hear him tut or sigh, maybe I wasn't driving fast enough or perhaps I was not going in the right direction. It was awkward to say the least.

As soon as we got out into the car park and parked I rushed out and picked up our bags, they were incredibly heavy for my little frame to hold but I had to manage because it was better than the alternative. "You know where my locker room is, take my bag there, I'm going to see my friends." We'd just flashed our passes and before I could even thank the man Kane had gone off leaving me with his stuff. I was hardly even able to walk with the giant weight, mainly because of Kane's bag, which was holding me down.

"Here let me get that for you." I heard a voice coming from behind me, when the bags were swooped from my shoulder and over my head. I rolled my shoulders a couple of times to wake them up, as the figure stood behind me.

"Show. Thank you so much." He smiled sympathetically at me.

"What's Kane playing at leaving you with all of these that's a horrible thing to do." I shook my head shrugging it off as nothing.

"No, he just wanted to see his friends that's all, it doesn't matter." We carried on walking for a bit making small talk with each other and discussing tonight's event. It felt nice being with someone that actually talked to me properly without raising their voice.

"Oi! Big man what do you think you're doing?" We both turned around to see Kane marching down the corridor towards us. Big Show stepped forward in front of me, almost as if he felt the need to protect me from Kane. "I gave those bags to her to carry not you, give them back to her." Big Show dropped the bags on the floor, taking another step forward.

"Listen here, first of all she has a name, and it's Madison, second of all-"

"Show it's fine, just give me back the bags." He looked at sadly, but I nodded at him. He lifted them up and placed them back over my shoulder. I had forgotten just how heavy they were when they dropped onto me.

"There's a good girl." Kane walked up to me, bending down in front of my face. I could feel his breath on me. "Don't do something like that again!" He spat, walking back off. I smiled at Big Show, before trudging off back to the locker room leaving him stood there.

I eventually managed to get the bags down to the locker room. Many people had offered to help me but of course I declined, petrified that Kane might see again. Once I had woken my arms back up again I was able to sit down for a bit and scroll through my phone which I hadn't done all day.

I managed about fifteen minutes before Kane barged in, slamming the door shut. I sat in silence trying to stay out of his way. "I see you got the bags here eventually, all by yourself."

I got up taking my jacket off, stripping down into my ring gear. "You know Big Show was only trying to be nice earlier." As soon as I said it I mentally slapped myself. His snapped looking towards me, he dropped his shoes he was putting on and walked towards me.

"Helping? Helping!" He laughed sadistically as just like earlier he got inches in front of my face. "No one wants to help you." I shook my head in disagreement. "Don't shake your head at me."

"It's not true, Show wanted to help me." His eyes turned nasty as his hand round its way around my neck. I inhaled sharply kicking my legs out to get him off.

"Shut up!" He shouted causing me to get even more physical. "I swear Madison you better stop now or you'll be sorry." I tried to desperately scream, but his tight grasp meant only a quiet whisper escaped. Kane continued to shout at me, but no one seemed to help from outside. I kicked and I kicked and eventually he let go. I leapt forward towards the door turning the door knob and running out to anywhere away from Kane.

I ended up just outside the building on the steps. My breathing had only just steadied and my hands had stopped shaking. "Madison?" I looked back up at the door to see Big Show looking worried at me. "What are you doing out here?"

"He grabbed me by the neck, and I didn't know what to do, so I just ran." I put my head in my hands, trying desperately not to cry. I heard him sit down next to me, as he wrapped an arm around me pulling me into his side. He rubbed my side with his massive hand calming me down.

"I'm so sorry, I should have stood up more for you earlier." I looked up at him.

"It's not your fault, not at all." He grabbed my hand pulling me up, leading me back inside. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"To visit that boyfriend of yours once and for all."

The two of us reached the locker room again. Big Show had briefed me on what we were going to do. I opened the door up, purposely not shutting it behind me, waiting to see how he reacted. "There you are, what did you think you were playing at. I knew you'd come back eventually, you were too scared not to."

"I'm not scared of you." I stood tall as he laughed once again at me. There was no way that this time I was going to hide away or present myself to abuse.

"Is that so?"

"It is when I'm with her." For the first time in two years I saw a bit of worry in his eyes as Show came into the room. "If you think in any way it is acceptable to treat Madison like this you are very mistaken Kane. Madison is yours no more she doesn't deserve you."

"Can the little girl not speak for herself anymore?" I stepped in front of Big Show looking straight into Kane's eyes.

"She can. And this little girl would like to tell you we're done." I turned around and walked out, Big Show following behind me. We went down to the canteen so we could get away from Kane.

"Madison that was amazing." He screamed, high fiving and hugging me." We sat down at a table together smiling from ear to ear.

"It was all thanks to you though. Thank you for saving me."

"Anytime Madison, I'm always here for you."

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