Aiden English for Starstruck1738

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"The next pick for Monday Night Raw, is Marie!" A short video tape of me played as I jumped up to see Stephanie and Mick had chosen me for their show.

"Congratulations beautiful." I turned around to be met by Aiden who had a massive smile on his face. I hugged him so tight, absolutely ecstatic. "Lets just hope we're drafted together now."

"That would be amazing," I giggled. I couldn't bare to let him go, I was far too excited.

The two of us sat with each other eagerly anticipating whether he would be going to Raw with me, or Smackdown alone. The main show went by and The Vaudevillians had not been drafted. "Do you really think no one wants us?"

"What? No, absolutely not of course someone wants you. Save the best until last and all that baby." I held the side of his face, kissing him lightly. A few more people went by, but then the boys video tape played.

"And next up is The Vaudevillians, who have been drafted to...Smackdown." I jumped up in shock.

"What!" Aiden screamed fury in his eyes. "How can they do this." Simon came skipping in high fiving Aiden.  Aiden shot him a glare, as Simon realised I was stood there.

"Oh man I'm so sorry." He stepped forward pulling Aiden into a man hug. I couldn't bare to see Aiden upset so I walked out of the room to compose myself before I did anything I regretted to management. My body felt numb with sadness that we would be separated on the road and would hardly ever see each other.

"Marie, wait up girl." Naomi and Alicia caught up to me. They both looked at me giving me the tightest hug. I couldn't help but cry as the two girls kindly comforted me. "You'll get through this the two of you." I looked up as Naomi wiped the tears under my eyes.

"Do you have any idea how upset he is about this? I've never seen him cry like that before." Who knew the draft would bother the two of us so much.

"How about we go get a coffee or something?" Alicia asked. I appreciated their support but not even a coffee could make me feel better right now.

"Thanks girls, but I think I just want to be left alone for a while." They nodded understandingly walking away and leaving me in my own thoughts. I decided to walk around the arena and backstage for a bit to try and clear my mind.

After a while I decided to go back to our changing room. I opened the door seeing Aiden sat down with his head in his hands. He had taken his top off, holding it drenched with the tears he had cried. "Sweetheart." I whispered making him look up at me. I walked over to him offering him a hand up. He grabbed hold of my hand tight standing up. I pulled him into a close hug wrapping my arms around his neck. I waited a little while for him to hug me back, but he never did. I pulled away looking up at him, the bottoms of his eyes watering again. "What's wrong?"

"How is this ever going to work Marie?" That was the only thought that had gone through my head for the past hour. How was this going to work though? The two of us working different parts of the country for three hundred days of the year plus.

"I don't know, but we will make it work." He looked like he was about to cry again.

"Will we though?" I looked over at him in shock and disbelief, how could he even question the strength of our relationship.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know about you, but I have no idea if I'm going to be able to cope without having you by my side everyday." My heart was breaking, but I could almost see where this was going. I knew I had to do everything in my power to make this work.

"We'll cope. It'll just make the slightly shorter time we have together more precious and meaningful." I placed a hand on Aiden's, both of us unable to look at each other. The draft had tore us both apart, mentally and physically.

"Look, lets just be real. I love you so much Marie, you've made me the happiest man alive over these past few years, but we can't carry on, not like this. We're just going to drift apart anyway please just end it now so we don't have to put each other through all this pain. I'm doing this for you, however much you think I'm not. We're both better off without the worry about the other one, and the pain of missing each other everyday." Tears were streaming down my eyes, this was the last thing I wanted but it was clear there was no changing his mind.

"Goodbye Aiden." I whispered, kissing the top of his head one last time. I got up and went to walk out. I grabbed the door handle one last time looking at him. His head was back in his hands as he looked to the ground. I shut the door sinking to the ground crying my eyes out. That was it, we were over.  

A couple of months had passed, I'd tell everyone I was great, but deep down I was still hurting. I had dedicated so much of my life to him but it was all for nothing. Tonight was the annual mega show where both brands joined together for one action filled four hour show. I was praying that I wouldn't see Simon nor Aiden this evening and that I could get on with work.

Naomi and I were sat in catering catching up with each other. We hadn't seen each other in a while so it was great to see her. "I'm just going to use the toilet." I watched her stand up and walk out of the room. As she walked out my man walked in, only he wasn't my man anymore. Quickly I looked down staring at my coffee hoping he wouldn't notice me. My mind was going crazy, my heart beating a thousand beats. He broke my heart but I couldn't help but think about him as if nothing had ever happened.

"Marie?" I looked up to see Aiden stood opposite me. I looked back down drinking my coffee, desperately trying to ignore him. "You cannot ignore me you know." I continued to drink looking around the room at anything but him. I heard the chair scrape across the floor as he sat down.

"Why are you even here?"

"Oh don't be like that with me." I couldn't even believe the cheek of him, he'd ignored me for months but now I had to suddenly spark a conversation with him?

"Don't be like what with you? Like how you ignored me for months as if nothing ever happened. I texted you and I rang you but not once did you even respond. I tried to make this work and get the two of us back on track but since you couldn't care less how about you just disappear again." I couldn't believe the wave of confidence that had just come over me, it was like I was a complete different person. I tried to keep my voice down making sure no one would look across at us.

"I still love you," he whispered.

"No you don't, if you loved me you wouldn't have ended things on draft night. You don't love me, you never loved me."

"That's not true and you know it." His voice began to break as I looked up at him a few tears rolling down his face. "I...I still you."

"Whatever." I picked up my bag taking my final sip of coffee walking away and going back down to the locker room. It was only a matter of minutes before Aiden followed me chasing me down the hallway. I noticed an empty room stepping into it, I quickly tried to shut the door but Aiden got there too fast and was too strong pushing it open allowing himself in. "What do you want now?"

"This." I didn't even have time to register what he said when two hands placed themselves firmly on my cheeks and a pairs of lips landed on mine kissing me hard. I couldn't lie, I had missed his kisses so much. There wasn't even an urge to pull away from him, I immediately kissed him back. The kiss got pretty heated, the two of us clearly missing the other. My hands went all over his body and through his hair. "Marie," he whispered breaking the two of us apart. "I'm sorry for ever ending it with you, I love you, and I just want to give us another chance, if you do."

"Of course I do. I love you with all my heart, I was never willing to even let this go." I kissed him again just to make sure this was all real. He ran his hand through my hair, just like he used to and just the way I loved it when we were together.

"So in that case, Marie will you be my girlfriend, again?"

"A million times yes." We both smiled at each other, pulling him into the tightest hug.

A/N - Any feedback on this part and my book is really appreciated. If there is something you love or something you think could be improved let me know in the comments.

Also check my message board on my profile for perhaps a new idea.

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