John Cena for PaisleyMiell

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"Smash it darling, I know you can do it." My hands were shaking as John tried to calm me down. I was moments away from a huge title match against AJ Lee to break her record. It was my first title match, and even though I was prepared I couldn't help but feel terrified. "Willow, this is you dream, don't be nervous." He kissed the top of my head, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Willow you're up." I turned my head to see a member of production shout me over. I pulled away from John, looking up to him. He rested his hands on my hips. "You've got this. Remember that I love you." He pecked my lips, releasing me from his hold as I walked away.

"I love you too," I replied making my way to the curtain, the only piece of material between me, the crowd, and the ring.

"Three, two, one, out you go Willow." I separated the curtains to be greeted my loud cheers from the fans. I went down the ramp, high giving the fans, climbing in the ring. AJ was sat in the ropes on the other side.

JoJo announced us both as the match started and I quickly went after AJ. Her small frame meant she was a difficult opponent as she could easily slide away and duck, but John had been helping me stop her from doing that by watching videos of her and taking notes. It sounded pedantic but John wanted me to win this title, whatever it took.

We were both desperate to win the match, both of us taking turns to have the advantage, but when I hit her with another clothesline I realised she wasn't quite right and that she was tiring. I new it was now or never. "Come on Willow," I whispered to myself, raising my hand in the air, and waving it over my face. The noise of the crowd increased as they chanted along. I waved for AJ to get up, and as she did I lifted her up on my shoulders, flipping her over onto her back hitting John's Attitude Adjustment. I got down on my knees, going for the pin. I heard the ref hit the mat three times as I rolled over in shock.

"Here is your winner, and new Diva's Champion, Willow!" The referee handed me the belt as I happily let the tears roll down my cheek. He raised my arm in the air and I raised my belt. The atmosphere was insane as they all, apart from a few, applauded me. I stood up on the ropes, acknowledging the crowd, when the theme music changed. I looked up at the titantron to see John's video play, and seconds later his muscular figure come round the corner, running into the ring. I hopped down as John slid in, picking me up and hugging me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You did it. You finally did it. I'm so proud of you." I felt him kiss the crook of my neck.

"I would never have done it without you." He put me down, raising my arm in the air, pointing at me. He stepped closer to me, coming up to my right ear.

"I loved the Attitude Adjustment by the way, you nailed it." I pecked his lips, as I grabbed hold of his hand, walking out of the ring. John separated the ropes for me which I thanked him for, jumping down to the floor, as did he. We went up the ramp, high giving the fans, heading backstage. As soon as we got round the curtain John scooped me up into his arms, twirling me around. "The champ is here." He announced as the directors and producers all applauded me.

"John put me down," I squealed as Vince came up to me, shaking my hand.

"Congratulations Willow, you really were terrific." He let go of my hand.

"Thanks boss, for everything." I felt John place his hand on my lower back, guiding me to the locker room. A few people came up to me, congratulating me for my victory.

"Here we are." John unlocked the door, opening it up for me. I walked in to see balloons decorated in the room. I giggled in shock at his gesture.

"This is too cute babe." I turned around, kissing him lightly.

"It's all for you." I placed my title on the chair, kicking a few balloons. "Can you imagine how awkward this would've been if you lost." I laughed at John's comment as we both sat down next to each other. I lent over, resting my head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around me.

"I've done it," I sighed, looking over at the beautiful pink belt.

"I never doubted you." John kissed the top of my head as we settled on the seats for a while, content and happy with my victory. "No pressure now, but you've got to beat my record." I giggled, lightly hitting his arm. "I'm joking."

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