Dean Ambrose for LoveMonkey97

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I'm releasing a competition to celebrate 600 followers tonight or tomorrow. I will be doing prizes for the winners, but I wanted to know if any of you would be willing to volunteer prizes, either just voting on a story or creating a cover, imagine or writing something for someone. Or if there is anything else you are willing to do, please let me know so there are better prizes for the winners.


I watched Dean as he glared nastily over at me, as I returned the glare back at him. I followed him as he walked past, his wet curls all over the place. I couldn't help but turn my nose up at him, despite his tight black vest making me smirk slightly. Dean and I had a very love hate relationship, some days we would never stop talking to each other, other days we'd just want to beat each other up until the other couldn't get up.

Over time I realised that maybe there was something more then friends between us, the little things you learn about people as you spend more time with them building up inside of my heart. Every day I would have to sit back and watch as Renee held him tight to her body, kiss the top of his head, run her hands through his hair. The little smile that would creep onto his face whenever she came into the room, the cracks in my heart, silent.

As the pain got progressively worse I found myself drifting away from Dean, a way of easing all the hurt. Every text that came through I ignored, every buzz in my pocket from a call was rejected, every time he would shout my name I would simply walk away.

Dean's POV

I typed out my text to Arica, unsure whether to go ahead and press send. Usually she would be with me all of the time, never running out of things to say, but now she never said two words to me, and I don't know why. I knew that I had to work out why and make sure to put things right, whatever it was that I had done. The only person I knew she would speak to, Roman.

I found Roman in our locker room, sitting down tying up his shoelaces. I sat down beside him. "Mate, I really need your help..."

Arica's POV

I sat down as a few tears rolled down my cheeks, as I watched on yet again when Renee launched herself onto Dean. I couldn't face looking at them anymore, placing my hands over my face in the hope it would go away. "Hey buttercup, what's wrong?" I looked up to see Roman sat beside me, placing an arm around me. He watched me as I looked back over at Dean. "What's he done?" He asked me, instantly knowing.

"He's not done anything, it's me." I tried not to cry, knowing that if I let my emotions out I would attract everyone's attention.

"What have you done?" He looked down at me.

"I like him Roman. I like him so much, and I can't watch him be happy with Renee, it hurts me too much." Roman pulled me into him, running his hand over my arm.

"Oh Arica, it'll be alright, your just feeling your true emotions." He whispered.

Roman's POV

"Mate, I really need your help."

"Of course dude, what's up?" I looked over at Dean, who looked to be in a state of worry.

"It's Arica. She's been really funny with me, she hasn't spoken to me in weeks, do you know what's going on?" My mind raced as I reflected back to what happened earlier with Arica. The sadness in her eyes, I couldn't do this to her, no way could I drop her in it, she was my friend.

"I'm sorry Dean, I haven't got a clue." I told him, quickly getting up and leaving the room.

Dean's POV

I unlocked the door to our apartment, looking forwards to a goods night sleep in my own bed. I walked in, throwing my bag down, heading straight upstairs for bed. I noticed the door was shut, so went over to open it to allow some fresh air in. "Hide," I heard a voice whisper from inside. I switched the light on to see Renee pretending to be fast asleep in bed.

"Don't pretend you're asleep," I told her, as she turned around and looked over at me smiling.

"Hey love, I missed you."

"I think you forgot to take the cushions off the bed when you went to sleep." She looked down on them, the guilty gulp evident. "Renee?" I questioned as she sat back. I walked over, touching the end of the duvet. "You want to tell me anything?" She sunk further into the pillow as I threw the duvet up to reveal a semi naked man curled up.

"Dean, this isn't what it looks like." Renee shot up, as I turned around heading back downstairs.

"Save it, I don't want to hear it." I ran down, hearing her chasing after me, picking my bag back up, throwing it over my shoulder. I felt her grab onto my wrist tugging on it. "Get your hands off of me!"

"Please can we at least talk?" I turned around as she cowered away.

"I don't want to talk, or see you right now. I'm leaving, and I don't want you following me." I walked out, slamming the door, sitting in the front seat of the car. I pulled out my phone, immediately looking for Arica's contact. She was the person I always spoke to in these situations, only we didn't speak anymore. I didn't know what else to do, it was always her that I relied on. My mind wandered to all of our old memories we had, maybe not always good, but the massive smile on her face made the bad times worth it. Before I knew it I had dialled up her number, raising my phone to my ear.

"Dean?" I heard her whisper from the other side of the line.

Arica's POV

"Arica. I wasn't expecting you to pick up." I could barely hear Dean or what he was saying, but after I spoke with Roman I realised I couldn't ignore him anymore. "Could I come over to yours please?" I sensed there was a bit of urgency in his voice.

"Of course. Can I ask why?"

"It's Renee. She cheated on me." He hang up the phone as I got up making the house and myself a bit more presentable. I wasn't at all surprised as Renee, deep down I always knew she was like that, and now Dean had finally realised too. In less then ten minutes the door was being banged down by Dean. I walked over opening it, only for him to fall into my arms giving me a giant hug. "I'm so sorry, whatever I did, I'm so sorry." For the first time I could hear the sad tone in his voice, as I walked him in, shutting the door.

"It's alright now Dean, it doesn't matter." He sat down on the sofa as he held onto my hands. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"What else is there to say apart from I made the biggest mistake ever when I chose her."

"What do you mean chose her?" I asked him. He looked up at me, slightly smirking. "Dean?"

"It's only now I realised I've been fooling myself for all these years. I know now why you decided to distance yourself, it's all come together like the pieces of a jigsaw, because deep down, I love you Arica, I really do. I cannot believe I never learnt that soon enough." I couldn't help but smile at him, as his smile grew bigger.

"You have no idea how much that means to me, I love you too Dean, and I'm so sorry for ignoring you for so long, I missed you and your friendship." I pulled him into a hug, but he pulled back.

"No Arica, you don't understand. I love you, like real love, you're beautiful love, I want to cuddle you and kiss you love." I placed my hand onto his cheek, my cheeks turning a deep red. "What do you say?"

"I say I love you too, like real love you." He sat forwards, leaning in and kissing me softly. He pulled away briefly,

"you're a much better kisser then Renee," he whispered kissing me again.

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