Ball Of Bagans ~ Dean Ambrose {Part 2}

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Danielle's POV

I sat around the table with everyone, as Moxley sat on my lap.

"There is that sexy man off of Ghost Adventures." Someone shouted right into my ear making me jump and silently scream in my ear.

"Excuse me. Who are you?" Renee asked Zak turning her nose up at him.

"Oh Renee. This is my brother Zak. Zak this is Dean, Roman, Seth, Nikki, Brie, and Renee." I said leaving Renee till last on purpose. They all shook hands, kissing each other on the cheeks for the girls. Zak also left Renee till the last.

"So your Renee? I've heard a lot about you." Renee scurried away as Zak took her seat. "So Danielle tells me a lot about all of you too. She's been travelling with me to our parents in Vegas sharing stories." Dean looked up sharply as I gave him a puzzling look.

"You live in Vegas?" Dean queried me.

"Yeah, I have a house here in Nashville, but I've been staying with Zak in Vegas. Don't you live in Vegas Dean?" He nodded his head. He then gave us his address and me and Zak both looked at each other bursting out in hysterics.

"We live next door to you!" Zak announced making everyone else laugh.

How can you not meet your neighbour, who just so happens to be your one true crush??

"So it was you that had that noisy April Fool's party last year. I've never heard so much noise in my life." I thought back to the party, and all the fond memories I had.

"Yeah, that was Moxley's birthday party, sorry about that." He laughed tickling Moxley making him giggle.

Later on we walking around showing Moxley all the stuff they do backstage, and even allowing him to meet some of the superstars. We did a small entrance down the ring as he did as Daniel Bryan chant in my hands.

"Can we go ring pwease mummy?" Moxley asked.

"Let me take him, and you sit and watch." I gave him Moxley as I hopped over the barricade sitting in a seat. "One question, why Moxley?" I laughed.

"Every time I watched one of your matches, he would kick me in my belly." Dean laughed shaking his head, as if he didn't believe me. "Don't go teaching my son any moves now!" I warned. He winked at me, making me feel all funny inside.

7 months later...

Dean's POV

Danielle and Moxley moved in with me last month, and I adopted Moxley as my own son, so we could be a proper family. Me and Moxley were outside greeting all the fans for Raw tonight. Danielle walked outside and I waved her over. She walked over giving the both of us a kiss on the cheek. A fan I saw earlier helped me set up something for Danielle, so I decided it was the perfect time. The fan shouted Danielle over, and held her banner up saying,

'Will you marry me?' Danielle turned back round and I got down on my knee showing her the ring I selected for her last week,

Danielle's POV

I was speechless. Words couldn't describe how I felt right now, so I stood there nodding my head. Dean jumped up and gave me a huge hug, as we were careful with our PDA in front of the fans.

Monday Night Raw...

I stood in the ring, as the familiar tune of The Shield played out. I was doing a live interview in the middle of the ring with the 3 boys. The boys walked through the crowd, as Dean held Moxley in his hands, he was allowed to come out with us tonight as it was also his birthday. Roman and Seth both came forward and kissed my cheek, as Dean came up to me, kissing me sweetly on the lips. "Answer me something, now we're engaged, why did you never tell me you liked me?" He whispered. I bit my lip nervously,

" I thought you would laugh at me." He laughed at me,

"What would make me laugh at you for liking me?" I gave him a knowing look,

"not what, but who!" I told him, he shook his head rolling his eyes at me, as I brought Renee back up again.

"She was a mistake, the only thing I don't regret is asking you out sooner, remember that." I nodded kissing him again.

The interview had just finished, and I was walking ahead with Roman and Seth. My head was killing, and my stomach was cramping like crazy. "Danielle, you okay?" Seth questioned rubbing his big hand on my back.

"I feel like poop." The boys looked at each other, as I tried to read the mental signals they were giving each other. Seth kissed my head,

"I'm going to the shop, be back soon."

I went back to my locker room by myself, ignoring anyone who tried to come in.

Why does life always have to find something which will annoy you, and make you sad?

I heard a knock at the door, "Danielle, its Seth, can you open up please." I got up, grunting groggily. Seth smiled at me handing me two pregnancy tests. I walked into the bathroom as I did the tests, praying that it would come back negative.

After 5 minutes I looked back over to the tests, reading the lines that appeared on them.


I walked out to see the boys sat around a table, and Moxley playing on the floor with his toys. Dean stood up walking over to me, placing his hands on my sides, "you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I have a question, how good are you at changing nappies?" Dean looked at me confused. After a few seconds, I think realisation hit him. Dean picked me up twirling me around, before putting me down and doing some sort of dance around the room.

"I'm gonna be a dad!!" He yelled feeling on top of the world.

Its crazy how things can change. How life can throw you curve balls, and he dreams do come true. To have something to look forward to, was something my fiance never really experienced, so to see him this happy, I don't think my life could get anymore perfect.

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