Little Miss Kroeger ~ Dean Ambrose {Part 2}

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Chad's POV

I had arranged with Steph and Hunter to have Danielle and Abel come onstsge with me to show everyone who my sister and nephew were. I told Danielle and she seemed really nervous, but I told her it would only be for about 30 seconds so she told me she would do it.

Roman's POV

Seth and I stayed with Danielle and Abel in their room to make sure she didn't get upset or do something she regretted. As she got up she looked over at the three of us talking about all the superstars as Abel did quite funny impressions of many of them, including an epic Damien Sandow. She looked over at us and smiled as Abel ran over to her and hugged her. "How are you feeling baby girl?"

"I feel better, do you mind maybe taking him out for a while whilst I get myself sorted please." We both smiled at her.

"You don't even need to ask. How about we take him down to the ring and then you can join us later on down there?" She nodded so we put on his coat and took him to the ring to have a little mess around. As we walked down the ramp we saw Dean. And Renee. Abel ran over to Dean and gave him a hug as we politely smiled to Renee.

Dean's POV

Abel ran over to me as Renee looked over at us angrily. She didn't like Danielle but she didn't need to take it out on a 1 year old boy. "Deany, can you play in da ring wid me pwease," I smiled at the little boy,

"Of course I can buddy hop on in." Just as we walked up to the steps, Renee pushed Abel over and began yelling at him.

"You and your mother leave my man alone you both belong in the trash! He doesn't want you here. Leave." Roman and Seth quickly picked Abel up as I tried to calm Renee down.

"Dean, yesterday in the catering, Danielle was right, she told us everything, Renee has hated her since they were young adults because she used to be a big Jon Moxley fan. She made up what she told you yesterday, you have to believe us." I couldn't believe this, I trusted Renee. God how stupid was I? I turned to Renee.

"Is this true?" She nodded. "Get out of here before I do something a man should never do, and hit a girl. Stay away from me, I never was yours, and never will be." She scurried up the ramp as I went off to find Danielle and apologize. I took Abel with me as I went back to the hotel to find her. I saw her figure in the main reception.

"Danielle!" She turned around and crouched down as Abel ran towards her. "Danielle, I am so sorry I didn't believe you. I don't know what I was thinking. Listen, I know you will probably turn me down, but can I take you and Abel out tonight, my treat." Abel jumped up and down pleading with his Mum.

"Okay, and Dean, I forgive you. But only because I am your biggest Jon Moxley fan." I smiled as I pulled her into a long embrace.

Danielle's POV

As I walked down the corridor with Dean and Abel, I began to hear my brothers band playing their first song, Far Away. Dean took my hand and spun me around as I felt his hot breath come towards me. "Dean, you don't know me, we shouldn't be doing this."

"I want to get to know you though Danielle, I want to get to look after and care for the two of you. We are alike me and you. Just be my girlfriend please and let me make you happy?"

I thought about it. Dean Ambrose just asked me to be his girlfriend. I nodded my head as the gap closed between us as and are lips met for the first time.

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