Shocking Secrets ~ Dean Ambrose {Part 2}

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1 year later

Briar, Athena and myself had been a family for a year now. I hadn't tried anything with Athena yet, I didn't want to force her into something she didn't want to do. Admittedly, I thought she was beautiful but I couldn't risk losing my daughter again. Roman was round at our flat at the moment. "I think she might be ready for you Dean you know. You've waited long enough." Roman whispered in my ear.

"I guess, I means you are her brother you know her best." Briar came and sat on Roman's lap as I followed Athena to the bedroom. I opened the door making her jump. "Sorry." I commented. I pulled her onto the bed. "Can I talk to you for a bit Athena?" She nodded pulling her stunning smile. "Okay, so I thought maybe after a year, we could try and see how we are at dating each other. I mean if you don't want to we don't-" She cut me off my pressing her lips to mine. She pulled back looking intently. Her brown eyes made me want to scream in happiness.

"I've waited 6 months for you to say that to me. We gotta give it a go, I mean we have a daughter there must be something there." I nodded as Briar walked into the room. She sat inbetween us.

"Daddy, can we go to the park today?" I pulled her close to me as she squirmed at my touch.

"Why don't you ask Uncle Roman, me and Mummy have a little date to go on." She ran off as I looked at Athena and winked.

The date...

We had eaten the most amazing meal. Athena looked stunning, as always, and I for once had made quite the effort. It was perfect. Athena took a sip of her wine as I reached for her hand rubbing my thumb over her soft skin. "Athena." I whispered. She looked up fluttering her eyelids. "I love you." I observed closely to see her reaction. She leaned forward over the table,

"I love you too." She whispered just as loudly as I kissed her as she giggle against my lips, making the butterflies go mad in my stomach. "Shall we go home to our daughter?" She asked. I ran round quickly pulling her chair out and placing her jacket around her. "What a gentleman." She commented.

"I do try." We drove back to our flat to see Roman and Briar sprawled out over the sofa. Little snores escaped Briar's mouth as Athena laughed. "Like father like daughter!" I pulled a blanket over them as we made our way to the bedroom. We got under the duvet, Athena cuddled into my chest tracing my abs with her finger making me shiver. I ran my fingers through her brown hair. "Just one more thing Athena," she lifted her head off my chest, staring straight into my eyes, "I forgot to ask you something. Will you be my girlfriend?" Athena nodded her head like crazy.

"Of course I will stupid!" I laughed as I pulled her back into me. "I love you."

"I love you too." I replied.

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