Interchanging Paths ~ Dean Ambrose

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Why did he do it? What did he get from it? I admit, I'm a bit of a pushover, I'm small, but that gave him no right to treat me like he did. Especially in front of everyone else on the roster. "Hey Jasmin, how hot do I look today right?" Dean came up to me and asked.

For some reason, he had this thought in his dirty little mind, that I had a crush on him. And he sure made sure that I damn well knew about it. Honestly, a tiny part of me found him hot, but there was no way that I would ever admit that to his face. The way he talked, kinda made me smile, it wasn't posh, or chavvy, but it just had a husky tone which made me swoon. "Bye Dean." I simply replied. I began to wall off towards the locker room, when I was swirled back around by a tight grip around my waist, knocking me completely off balance. I felt myself fall, as two muscular arms wrapped themselves around my waist. And of course those arms had to be Dean's. I cried to myself, why him? I asked.

"Careful there, although I'm sure you're loving the view right now." I tutted storming off in anger. I felt my heart rate pick up. Why did I have to like him so much, but hate him at the same time?

There was just under an hour until my match that I was scheduled for on raw tonight. "Jasmin, Stephanie has made a request that she sees you in her office right away." A member of crew pulled me away as I warmed up for my match. What is it this time? I knocked on the door, and walked I'm taking a seat. I heard a deep cough from behind me.

Dean. "What are you doing here Dean?" I spat. He came and sat practically on my lap, making me nervous, I moved a little further away from him, as I felt myself become a little uneasy.

"Hi guys." Steph walked in, wearing a black ladies suit, with big red heels on. "So the reason I asked you both to come into my office this evening was to inform the both of you, that tonight you will be participating in a tag team match." And with that she walked back out. I looked over at Dean, who had a massive smirk on his face in delight. I walked out, not speaking a word to Dean.

I prepares myself for the match tonight, especially mentally. How was I supposed to participate in a match with Dean? I felt the nerves build up, for once. I made my entrance behind Dean, as confident as ever.

Dean begged me to let him start the match, and to stop him from moaning I allowed him just this once. I stepped aside, as we faced Alicia Fox, and Bo Dallas.

I could see he was in serious pain, but being so stubborn he was never going to tag me in. "Dean, stop being so stubborn for once and tag me in." For the first time ever, we looked each other straight in the eye, and Dean painfully crawled over and tagged me, as I won the match for the two of us. The ref raised our hands, and I walked out of the arena, before Dean could even go near me. As I walked past the gorilla post, I saw Vince McMahon walk up to me. He shook my hand, as he grabbed Dean too.

"Dean, Jasmin, the chemistry out there was amazing. Creative and myself have therefore taken it upon ourselves to create a storyline for the two of you. As of next week, you will be WWE's newest power couple." I mentally broke down there and then, that was acting. How do I keep that up to become a couple with Dean. The annoying, sly, Dean who would just mess around and be completely unprofessional. But I had to be professional, "sounds great Vince, thankyou for the opportunity." He walked off, as I was left with just Dean. He smiled at me, and I smiled back.

"This should be fun Jasmin, don't you think? It will be good working with you. I promise, I shall always be professional." But that was something I couldn't be completely sure of.

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