The Shield for AFallenAngel121

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I was one lucky girl. The name is Rachel, the newest recruit in the WWE Divas division. I had been given quite a bit of air time recently, competing in big matches. My only problem, The Shield. They were constantly interrupting my matches, causing me losses, allowing cheap shots, and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Rachel, you've just got to ignore them, they'll soon get tired." I was sat in my dressing room, with my best friends Nikki, Natalya, and Brie. They were assuring me that The Shield would eventually leave me alone, which I didn't believe.

"I'm sick of it though girls, every single match I do, they are there, smiling at me, and I'm sick of it." It was wearing me down slowly.

"If you really want them to stop, you could always just be upfront and ask them why they are doing what they're doing?" Brie asked. I contemplated the idea for a little while.

"You know what, I might just do that. See you in a bit girls." I ran out the room, marching down to The Shield's dressing room. I was tired of them winding me up, and I had to find out why they were doing it.

As soon as I found it, I hammered the door down, to reveal a smug looking Seth. His hair was in a bun at the top of his head, and he was just putting his top on. "Rachel, what s lovely surprise." I so wanted to punch his face, but I had to stop myself, by clenching my fist.

"Can I come in?" Seth stood away, opening up the door to me. Seth and Roman almost stood to attention as I strolled in. I could see they both had smirks on their faces, so again I had to resist the urge not to hit it off of them. "We all need to talk, now!"

"Go ahead chick." I sat down uninvited on the double bed in the middle of the room, staring them all down.

"What is your problem? Why can't you leave me alone?" I asked, as sweetly as I could.

"Baby girl we don't wanna leave you alone. Thing is, we have a proposition for you, that's if, you accept it." Roman came and sat next to me, smiling.

"Well, what is the proposition?" I asked to all three of the boys.

"We want you to join The Shield!" Dean blurted out. I was slightly taken aback by their proposition. I was not expecting that at all. I didn't quite know what to say, I was speechless. "Look, Rachel, we've watched you, you're powerful, strong, honest, and beautiful. We think you are the perfect recruit we've been looking for. We've wanted a female member for ages, and here you are."

"Wait a minute. You want me to join The Shield?" I asked, just checking I wasn't going mad. They all nodded their heads, confirming what I had just asked. "Wow."

"What do you say Rachel?" Seth asked me. I didn't need much time to think, I knew my answer easily.

"My answer is yes." I answered. The boys all jumped up, then jumped on me cheering. I laughed, as I was squashed by 600 pounds of muscle. "Squishing me." I remarked as they all got off of me.

"You won't regret it Rachel. Welcome to The Hounds of Justice." The boys put their fists out, as I joined them.

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