Letting Go ~ Stardust

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Areesh's POV

"Cody!" I yelled running after him, backstage at Monday Night Raw. He had just returned from his match, and was absolutely angry after Dustin interfered as Goldust.

He turned round sharply, making me stop quickly in front of him. "I told you not to call me that anymore, I'm sorry, but Cody has gone, for good!" The trouble with his character was that he had taken it way to seriously. Somehow he really was believing that it was who he was in reality. But to me he will always be Cody Runnels, and the sooner he remembers the better.

"When are you gonna snap back into reality and realise that is not who you are." He pushed me against the wall, and his head was in a close proximity to mine.

"I am no longer Cody, you need to deal with that Areesh, the sooner the better." I felt his breath hit me in my face, I pushed him down onto the floor, running to our dressing room, before he saw all my tears start to fall.

I slammed the door, before I dropped to my knees, and completely broke down in the room. I heard a constant knocking on the door. I couldn't deal with anyone right now, and to speak to anyone was the last thing I wanted to do.

"Babe!" I heard what must of been Cody shout from outside. I slowly got up unlocking the door and l let him in. Giving him the silent treatment.

"I'm sorry." He simply said. I remained silent, standing my ground for once in my life. I needed to be strong, and show him that I wasn't going to give in as easily as I normally do. "Are you gonna talk to me?"

I felt him come up behind me, and wrap his muscular arms around me and joining at my waist. He kissed my neck, trying to make me give in. "I know that I get into Stardust a bit too much, and I'm truly sorry. I promise I will make it up to you and Dustin. WWE is my passion, and I'm just head first into work right now, I forgot to think of the others around me." I spun around and wrapped my arms around him.

"I get that Stardust is your job, but I'm quiet and I was scared to say something. I know how much you love entertaining people, and how much you get into it, but what you are doing is hurting others." I was trying to be as calm as I could, but it was hard. He had really infuriated me this time.

"This is gonna take time to heal, but remember I do love you, whether I'm Cody or Stardust, you can always talk to me, and I promise to always listen and if I go to far I'll stop." He kissed me quickly before pulling me ontot he sofa, and onto his lap.

"That's all I wanted to hear. I just want my man, Cody or Stardust."

A/N- A couple of books, I guarantee you will love to pieces,

         -I'll Be Your Healer by Ambrosegally, this book is literally obsessive, and              I can't wait for her to update most days. This book wasn't requested for a shout out, but it is too good not to.

        -Scared Cat by Anna_Banana619, a fairly new book she started which is absolutely amazing at the beginning, and the rest should be awesome.

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