Charlotte Part 2 for MrLynchTEL

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I sat back in my chair, watching as Charlotte appeared in yet another segment with Sasha. I was told I wasn't needed for tonight, so instead I took the opportunity to sit back and watch my lady go to work. "What's wrong Charlotte? You haven't got your little enforcer behind you to watch your back?" She did one of her signature grins, one of my favourite things about her, lifting the microphone up to her lips.

"His name is Eric, and he has nothing to do with this. This is me and you Sasha, it always has been. You know it really is such a shame that you can't find the happiness that me and Eric have, we're happy together, but look at you, a sad, lonely, nerdy girl." Sasha shook her head in the ring, as the crowed booed Charlotte. I was beyond proud of her, her incredible sass, her charm, charisma, everything.

"I'd much rather be all of those things then have to walk around and tell people I'm dating Eric Balor." Charlotte's jaw hit the ground, as I fought with myself to stop going out there and confronting Sasha myself.

"Let me tell you something, Eric is a proper man, he is handsome, funny, adorable, strong, everything any woman would want in a man. It's a shame Sasha because it could all be yours, but instead you watch on with jealousy." I felt myself blush slightly at my girlfriend's comments, even after the couple of months we'd been dating, her little compliments always found a way to make me feel better about myself.

"Yeah, that's what it is Charlotte, jealousy. Jealous of the fact you're so wrapped up in your own relationship to give a damn about that belt." Sasha fired up, as the crowd cheered for her.

"Lets not turn this into a discussion about that belt, let the belt do the talking on Sunday when I beat you once again. Seventeen Sasha, it's the magic number." I watched Charlotte drop the microphone, as I jumped up in my seat. She was defending on Sunday? I had no idea.

I left the room walking over to meet her as she turned backstage. I found her walking down the corridor, running over and picking her up off of the ground. "Hey handsome," she whispered into my ear. I grinned, placing her back down on the floor.

"That was a great promo babe." She smiled, as we began to walk back down to our locker room.

"She didn't need to bring you into it though, it was completely unnecessary, especially when you weren't there to defend yourself." I laced my hand in hers, squeezing it.

"It doesn't matter, you did a perfect job defending me anyway, without me being there." She looked over at me, as I took it as the perfect opportunity to give her a kiss on the cheek. "You didn't tell me you were defending on Sunday at Fastlane?" She looked over at me again.

"Neither did I until I went out there tonight." I laughed in relief, knowing I probably should have trusted my intuition that she would have told me straight away. "Oh, and that reminds me, you're banned from ringside."

"What!?" I yelled.

"Yeah, bosses orders I'm afraid." I sighed in dejection, as it was Charlotte's turn to squeeze my hand.

"Don't worry, I'll still win, and I will win just for you." She leaned in, kissing my cheek as we reached the locker room.

It wasn't long until Sunday came around, and Charlotte was in the final few seconds of preparation before her big match. She finished her warm up, stripping down to her ring gear, grabbing her title belt. I stood up as she walked over to me, giving her a sweet kiss on the lips. "Go make me proud champ." I whispered into her ear as she hugged me.

"I will, I promise." She pecked my cheek, pulling away and leaving the room. She waved at me, as I sat back down, watching on the monitor as the women's match started.

Whenever I watched Charlotte my heart burst with pride. her athleticism, talent, skill was all admirable. She had passion and determination like nobody I had ever seen before. She made her grand entrance, her dad's robe wrapped around her. I smiled at the monitor, watching her effortlessly walk into the ring, handing her belt to the referee.

The match was incredible, as much as I disliked Sasha I couldn't deny that the two of them were having an amazing match. Charlotte currently had all the momentum, as she hit Sasha with the Natural Selection. She then moved towards Sasha's feet, locking her in the Figure Four Lock. "Come on!" I screamed. She slowly managed to raise herself up, eventually getting her bridge in place. I jumped up in my seat, tapping on my leg for Sasha to tap. She screamed out in pain, but eventually it was too much for her and she tapped out, giving Charlotte the victory, but more importantly the belt. I shot out of the locker room, running up to the gorilla. I watched the curtain open as she walked back through, her belt proudly placed on her shoulder. I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist, her little giggled echoing into my ear as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"I did it," she whispered to me. I nodded in reply.

"You were simply amazing, I'm beyond proud of you." We pulled away from the hug, grabbing each other's hand and taking the same walk we took on Monday.

"You were in my thoughts the entire time, I had to do it for you, I wanted to make you proud." I smiled over at her, stopping her.

"You always make me proud," I said to her, giving her a kiss on the lips, holding her sweaty body close to mine, all her hard work paying off once again. "Seventeen," I whispered into her ear, her little chuckle barely audible making me smile, as I sighed in content and happiness.

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