Chad Gable Part 3 for ClaudiaSAW

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So after Chad's first attempt to ruin my date with Dolph, we managed to rearrange, without Chad knowing this time, so no excuse to cancel. I dressed myself up exactly how I did the other day, as Dolph booked a table at the restaurant we originally planned to go to. I knew Chad was out with Kate tonight so it was our perfect opportunity to go out with each other without Chad somehow meddling or getting involved. We met down at the lobby, as Dolph greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "You look lovely, again." I laughed at his little joke, pulling away from his hold.

"Yeah, you don't scrub up so bad second time around." He smiled, linking my arm in his, and walking me out of the hotel to the car. He opened the door for me as I slid in, making room for him to sit beside me. We made comfortable small talk all the way to the restaurant, until the driver stopped, allowing us to get out. Dolph being such a gentleman led me out and then into the restaurant as we were shown to our seats. We sat down at our table being handed the menus.

The date was going well, me and Dolph actually happened to have a lot in common, much more then I first thought. It was nice to escape reality, even if it was only for one night. Dolph made me feel at complete ease, I hadn't been so relaxed for a long time. He asked me about me, and I asked him about him, it wasn't like the usual dates I had been on at home. Dolph was certainly different, or so I thought.

"So, let me ask you, what happened with Chad? I mean I personally don't even know why you associate with him." I placed my cutlery down looking over at Dolph, who raised his eyebrow up at me.

"Chad's my best friend, I hope that's not a problem." I knew it was all too good to be true, it always is with me.

"Claudia, come on, best friend. He abandoned you for all those years but he's your best friend? Please tell me you're having me on." I shook my head, tapping my foot under the table.

"Absolutely not, it's completely true, for all his faults Chad is an amazing guy, and however much you would like me to say otherwise, he's my best friend." I fiddled with the hem of my dress, my excitement for the date disappearing in the space of a minute.

"I'm just saying you could do much better then Chad for a best friend, there are so many people who like you at the company and would treat you much better then he does." I bit my tongue, careful not to loose my cool in such a respectful place.

"Maybe so, but me and Chad go way back, and I'd really appreciate it if the subject of my friendship with Chad can be dropped." I sighed in frustration, realising that maybe Chad was doing me a favour earlier on in the week. He knew Dolph much better then me, never mind that he always had little ways of telling me things.

"I'm just asking, why is it a bit of a touchy subject?" I looked up shooting him a glare, screwing my napkin up and throwing it on the table, standing up.

"I think this date is done Dolph, just like any chance of you and me." I walked out of the restaurant, hailing for a taxi to stop and pick me up. I got one after a couple of minutes, as I was driven back to the hotel.

As soon as I got back to my room, I laid down in my bed, bawling my eyes out, all sorts of emotions pouring through me, my mind so confused I had no idea what to think right now. My sleep deprived upset self, slowly fell to sleep, praying that it would all be some kind of bad nightmare.

Turns out it wasn't, I awoke the following morning to see myself still dressed in the same clothes from yesterday evening, my make up smudged, and my hair a complete mess. I didn't know who to really turn to apart from Chad, as without even a glance in the mirror I walked down to Chad's hotel room, knocking on the door. It had gone midday by the time I knocked, so I was just hopeful he would be there. The door opened to reveal Chad, who quickly pulled me into his room. "Heavy night?" He asked.

"It was horrible." I confessed as he sat me down on his bed, getting me a glass of water. "He just wanted to talk about you, and it wasn't nice either." He sat beside me, running his fingers through my tangled hair.

"What did he say?" He questioned.

"Just how I shouldn't know you, and that there are better people I could be friends with, it isn't much but it hurt, and it scared me." Chad pulled me into a side hug, kissing the top of my head.

"You'll always have me, you know I'm not going anywhere, not again." I smiled, nodding under his head.

"I know, I just never want to see him again." I told Chad sitting upright, taking a sip of my drink.

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that." He smiled at me, calming me down. Chad had seen me in much worse situations like this before, so I didn't really care about any of my mannerisms right now.

"It's true, I can't believe I ever agreed to that stupid date in the first place." Chad sighed, but before I could even reply, Chad lurched forward kissing my lips. I kissed him back, my vulnerable side allowing me to, yet once my brain kicked in, I quickly pulled away. "Chad! You're married!"

He looked down in embarrassment as I ran my hands through my hair. "I'm sorry, it just felt so right." I sighed, screaming inside, my confused situation just becoming even more confusing, something I didn't even think could happen. I got up, placing my drink down, quickly leaving the room before Chad or I, did or said anything else we regretted.

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