Incidental Love ~ Dean Ambrose

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Danielle's POV

Being a member of the medical staff at WWE could be very challenging. Every day superstars and divas would come in with plenty of different injuries for you to get rid of for them. Strolling back to my office with Renee by my side, I heard rowdy noises coming from inside the room. Opening the door I saw Dean Ambrose laying down on the bed clutching his knee, with Roman and Seth by his side. I walked over to him settling my stuff on the side. "What can I do for you Ambrose?" I heard the boys snigger, before everyone else started laughing like crazy. I looked around clueless as to what was making everyone laugh so hard. Seth stood up slapping Dean hard on his bicep, giving him one hell of a dirty glare to go with it.

"Fine. I fell awkwardly on my knee, and now I am in a slight bit of pain from it."

After twenty minutes my job was done and my shift was over. I walked out to the car park finding my car so I could drive home and get some food. The dark was an eerie blue, as the streetlights guided me to my car. The wind blew around me, as I heard it swirl around my cold body. I get something brush against my side, but shrugged it off. I felt it grab my wrist again, but this time I was pulled against a wall, slamming my head against the hard wall as a man stared down at me. I could feel his icy breath hitting me in the face, as I tried to work out who he was. The blond locks and the stubble on his chin. The puffed out cheeks and defined jaw meant it could only be one person. Jack. My ex-boyfriend.

I felt a sting in my cheeks as he repeatedly hit me before I fell to the floor screaming out for him to stop. The pain hit me in the stomach as I felt his anger like a slap in the face. "You left me! You ran away from me Danielle, and that is not okay. You will be punished and I shall personally make your life a living hell." He screamed in my face tugging on my long hair. He continued to kick me as he destroyed me, piece by piece.

Renee's POV

I heard some female screams coming from just round the corner. I was by myself in the car park on my way round Danielle's where I was staying. "Stop it!" A screechy girl yelled. I walked over to see what all the commotion was about. It was like my eyes deceived me as I saw Danielle cradled up into a ball on the ground.

"Help! Somebody help me please!" I screamed out in the hope just one person would hear me and come and help me. I peered back over to the menacing figure who released Danielle from his grasp. I ran to her aid as she just sat there frozen like a statue. "Danielle, what happened?" She didn't answer just stared at the wall, frozen in time.

"She tripped and fell, and I helped her up." For some reason I didn't quite believe him, but nodded my head anyway. I reached for her hand to pull her up.

"C'mon Danielle, let's get you back inside." She stayed still.

Danielle's POV

"I'm fine you go ahead and I'll meet you indoors." I pulled myself up as my bones all cracked shouting in pain. I slowly walked as I struggled to even walk. I felt Jack's breath behind me on my ear. He whispered,

"you tell anyone about this, you're dead." I nodded my head as I quickly got away from him petrified what he will do next.

Renee's POV

Danielle came back in to the office as I studied all the cuts and bruises all over her fragile little body. "Danielle, I need you to tell me the truth for your own safety." I said abruptly. She sat up looking at me.

"Later please, I just wanna get home at the moment." I nodded helping her to my car and driving her home.

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